Dee Michell
Dee Michell
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Young people transitioning from out-of-home care and access to higher education: A critical review of the literature
P Mendes, D Michell, JZ Wilson
Children Australia 39 (4), 243-252, 2014
Broadening participation not border protection: How universities can support women in computer science
D Michell, A Szorenyi, K Falkner, C Szabo
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 39 (4), 406-422, 2017
Gender gap in academia: perceptions of female computer science academics
K Falkner, C Szabo, D Michell, A Szorenyi, S Thyer
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM conference on innovation and technology in …, 2015
Feminist memory work in action: Method and practicalities
H Fraser, D Michell
Qualitative Social Work 14 (3), 321-337, 2015
Towards a socio-ecological framework to address gender inequity in computer science
D Michell, C Szabo, K Falkner, A Szorenyi
Computers & Education 126, 324-333, 2018
Learners, learning, learned: Class, higher education, and autobiographical essays from working-class academics
H Brook, D Michell
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 34 (6), 587-599, 2012
Foster care, stigma and the sturdy, unkillable children of the very poor
D Michell
Continuum 29 (4), 663-676, 2015
Bread and roses: voices of Australian academics from the working class
D Michell, JZ Wilson, V Archer
Springer, 2015
The Slow Evolution of Foster Care in Australia
N Musgrove, D Michell
Springer, 2018
Universities in transition: Foregrounding social contexts of knowledge in the first year experience
H Brook
University of Adelaide Press, 2014
Classism on campus? Exploring and extending understandings of social class in the contemporary higher education debate
A Bletsas, D Michell
Universities in transition: Foregrounding social contexts of knowledge in …, 2014
I want to be someone, I want to make a difference: Young care leavers preparing for the future in South Australia
D Michell, C Scalzi
Young people transitioning from out-of-home care: International research …, 2016
Against the odds: Care leavers at university
D Michell, C Tonkin, D Jackson
Peoples Voice Publishing, 2015
A suddenly desirable demographic?: Care leavers in higher education
D Michell
Developing Practice: The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal, 44-58, 2012
Working-Class Intellectuals: (Oxy) moronic Professors and Educational Equality (A Response to Ken Oldfield, A&S, 41, 1016-1038)
H Brook, D Michell
Administration & Society 42 (3), 368-372, 2010
Recovering from Doing Research as a Survivor Researcher
DE Michell
Nova Southeastern University, 2020
Working-class women study social science degrees: Remembering enablers and detractors
H Fraser, D Michell, L Beddoe, M Jarldorn
Higher Education Research & Development 35 (4), 684-697, 2016
Planting a seed: encouraging service users towards educational goals
M Jarldorn, L Beddoe, H Fraser, D Michell
Social Work Education 34 (8), 921-935, 2015
An interrupted pathway
D Michell
Australian Universities' Review, The 53 (1), 89-93, 2011
The reverse role play––an innovative way of confronting men
T Tonkin, D Michell
Australian Social Work 63 (4), 460-465, 2010
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