Michael Bieber
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Web information systems
T Isakowitz, M Bieber, F Vitali
Communications of the ACM 41 (7), 78-80, 1998
Fourth generation hypermedia: some missing links for the World Wide Web
M Bieber, F Vitali, H Ashman, V Balasubramanian, H Oinas-Kukkonen
International journal of human-computer studies 47 (1), 31-65, 1997
Toward virtual community knowledge evolution
M Bieber, D Engelbart, R Furuta, SR Hiltz, J Noll, J Preece, EA Stohr, ...
Journal of Management Information Systems 18 (4), 11-35, 2002
Collaborative discourse structures in computer mediated group communications
M Turoff, SR Hiltz, M Bieber, J Fjermestad, A Rana
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 4 (4), JCMC441, 1999
Toward support for hypermedia on the World Wide Web
M Bieber, F Vitali
Computer 30 (1), 62-70, 1997
Designing hypertext support for computational applications
M Bieber, C Kacmar
Communications of the ACM 38 (8), 99-107, 1995
On generalizing the concept of hypertext
MP Bieber, SO Kimbrough
MIS Quarterly, 77-93, 1992
Engaging students with constructivist participatory examinations in asynchronous learning networks
D Wu, M Bieber, SR Hiltz
Journal of Information Systems Education 19 (3), 321-330, 2008
Designing hypermedia applications
M Bieber, T Isakowitz
Communications of the ACM 38 (8), 26-29, 1995
A clickstream-based collaborative filtering personalization model: towards a better performance
DH Kim, V Atluri, M Bieber, N Adam, Y Yesha
Proceedings of the 6th annual ACM international workshop on Web information …, 2004
Backtracking in a multiple-window hypertext environment
M Bieber, J Wan
Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European conference on Hypermedia technology …, 1994
The coast guard's KSS project
SO Kimbrough, CW Pritchett, MP Bieber, HK Bhargava
Interfaces 20 (6), 5-16, 1990
Automating hypermedia for decision support
M Bieber
Hypermedia 4 (2), 83-110, 1992
Collaborative online examinations: Impacts on interaction, learning, and student satisfaction
J Shen, SR Hiltz, M Bieber
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2006
On integrating hypermedia into decision support and other information systems
M Bieber
Decision Support Systems 14 (3), 251-267, 1995
Towards knowledge-sharing and learning in virtual professional communities
M Bieber, R Goldman-Segall, SR Hiltz, IL Im, R Paul, J Preece, R Rice, ...
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2002
Issues in modeling a “dynamic” hypertext interface for non-hypertext systems
M Bieber
Proceedings of the third annual ACM conference on Hypertext, 203-217, 1991
Learning strategies in online collaborative examinations
J Shen, SR Hiltz, M Bieber
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 51 (1), 63-78, 2008
Towards a relationship navigation analysis
J Yoo, M Bieber
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2000
Hypertext and web engineering
M Bieber
Proceedings of the ninth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia: links …, 1998
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