Ani Nenkova
Ani Nenkova
Principal Scientist at Adobe Research
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Automatic summarization
A Nenkova, K McKeown
Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 5 (2-3), 103-233, 2011
Evaluating content selection in summarization: The pyramid method
A Nenkova, RJ Passonneau
Proceedings of the human language technology conference of the north …, 2004
A survey of text summarization techniques
A Nenkova, K McKeown
Mining text data, 43-76, 2012
Crema-d: Crowd-sourced emotional multimodal actors dataset
H Cao, DG Cooper, MK Keutmann, RC Gur, A Nenkova, R Verma
IEEE transactions on affective computing 5 (4), 377-390, 2014
Revisiting readability: A unified framework for predicting text quality
E Pitler, A Nenkova
Proceedings of the 2008 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2008
Beyond SumBasic: Task-focused summarization with sentence simplification and lexical expansion
L Vanderwende, H Suzuki, C Brockett, A Nenkova
Information Processing & Management 43 (6), 1606-1618, 2007
The pyramid method: Incorporating human content selection variation in summarization evaluation
A Nenkova, R Passonneau, K McKeown
ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (TSLP) 4 (2), 4-es, 2007
The impact of frequency on summarization
A Nenkova, L Vanderwende
Microsoft Research, Redmond, Washington, Tech. Rep. MSR-TR-2005 101, 2005
Tracking and summarizing news on a daily basis with Columbia’s Newsblaster
KR McKeown, R Barzilay, D Evans, V Hatzivassiloglou, JL Klavans, ...
Proceedings of the human language technology conference, 280-285, 2002
Automatic sense prediction for implicit discourse relations in text
E Pitler, A Louis, A Nenkova
Using syntax to disambiguate explicit discourse connectives in text
E Pitler, A Nenkova
Class-level spectral features for emotion recognition
D Bitouk, R Verma, A Nenkova
Speech communication 52 (7-8), 613-625, 2010
A compositional context sensitive multi-document summarizer: exploring the factors that influence summarization
A Nenkova, L Vanderwende, K McKeown
Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2006
A corpus with multi-level annotations of patients, interventions and outcomes to support language processing for medical literature
B Nye, JJ Li, R Patel, Y Yang, IJ Marshall, A Nenkova, BC Wallace
Proceedings of the conference. Association for Computational Linguistics …, 2018
High frequency word entrainment in spoken dialogue
JB Hirschberg, A Nenkova, A Gravano
Automatically assessing machine summary content without a gold standard
A Louis, A Nenkova
Computational Linguistics 39 (2), 267-300, 2013
Easily identifiable discourse relations
E Pitler, M Raghupathy, H Mehta, A Nenkova, A Lee, AK Joshi
COLING (Posters) 2008: 87-90, 2008
Automatic text summarization of newswire: Lessons learned from the document understanding conference
A Nenkova
Automatically evaluating content selection in summarization without human models
A Louis, A Nenkova
Proceedings of the 2009 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2009
Improving the estimation of word importance for news multi-document summarization
K Hong, A Nenkova
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2014
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