Thomas Kehrenberg
Thomas Kehrenberg
Research Fellow in Machine Learning, University of Sussex
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Particle production and equilibrium properties within a new hadron transport approach for heavy-ion collisions
J Weil, V Steinberg, J Staudenmaier, LG Pang, D Oliinychenko, J Mohs, ...
Physical Review C 94 (5), 054905, 2016
Null-sampling for interpretable and fair representations
T Kehrenberg, M Bartlett, O Thomas, N Quadrianto
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Tuning Fairness by Balancing Target Labels
T Kehrenberg, Z Chen, N Quadrianto
Artif. Intell 3, 33, 2020
Weakly Supervised One-Shot Detection with Attention Similarity Networks
G Keren, M Schmitt, T Kehrenberg, B Schuller
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.03329, 2018
Addressing missing sources with adversarial support-matching
T Kehrenberg, M Bartlett, V Sharmanska, N Quadrianto
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.13154, 2022
Addressing Attribute Bias with Adversarial Support-Matching
T Kehrenberg, M Bartlett, V Sharmanska, N Quadrianto
Learning with biased data: invariant representations and target labels
TM Kehrenberg
University of Sussex, 2021
Investigation of resonance lifetimes and mean free paths in a transport approach
M Lauf, T Kehrenberg, H Petersen, D Oliinychenko, J Weil, M Kretz
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 2015
Disagreement-based Active Learning for Robustness Against Subpopulation Shifts
YJ Ng, V Sharmanska, T Kehrenberg, A Pentina, N Quadrianto
University of Sussex, 0
Zero-shot Fairness with Invisible Demographics
T Kehrenberg, V Sharmanska, MS Bartlett, N Quadrianto
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