Locally trivial torsors that are not Weil–Châtelet divisible B Creutz
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 45, 935-942, 2013
21 2013 On the local-global principle for divisibility in the cohomology of elliptic curves B Creutz
Mathematics Research Letters 23 (2), 377-387, 2016
18 2016 Degree and the Brauer–Manin obstruction B Creutz, B Viray
Algebra & Number Theory 12 (10), 2445-2470, 2019
16 2019 On Brauer groups of double covers of ruled surfaces B Creutz, B Viray
Mathematische Annalen 362 (3-4), 1169-1200, 2015
15 2015 There are No Transcendental Brauer–Manin Obstructions on Abelian Varieties B Creutz
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2018
13 * 2018 Two torsion in the Brauer group of a hyperelliptic curve B Creutz, B Viray
Manuscripta Mathematica 147 (1-2), 139-167, 2015
13 2015 Explicit descent in the Picard group of a cyclic cover of the projective line, Algorithmic number theory: Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Symposium (ANTSX) held … B Creutz
Mathematical Science Publishers, 2013
13 * 2013 Second isogeny descents and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectural formula B Creutz, RL Miller
Journal of Algebra 372, 673-701, 2012
13 2012 A Grunwald-Wang type theorem for abelian varieties B Creutz
Acta Arithmetica 154, 353-370, 2012
13 2012 Potential Ш for abelian varieties B Creutz
Journal of Number Theory 131 (11), 2162-2174, 2011
13 2011 Explicit second p-descent on elliptic curves B Creutz
Ph. D. thesis, Jacobs University., 0
12 * Quadratic points on intersections of two quadrics B Creutz, B Viray
Algebra & Number Theory 17 (8), 1411-1452, 2023
10 2023 The Brauer–Manin obstruction for constant curves over global function fields B Creutz, JF Voloch
Annales de l'Institut Fourier 72 (1), 43-58, 2022
10 2022 The d -primary Brauer–Manin obstruction for curves B Creutz, B Viray, JF Voloch
Research in Number Theory 4 (2), 26, 2018
10 2018 Second 𝑝-descents on elliptic curves B Creutz
Mathematics of Computation 83 (285), 365-409, 2014
8 2014 Generalized Jacobians and explicit descents B Creutz
Mathematics of Computation 89 (323), 1365-1394, 2020
6 2020 Improved rank bounds from -descent on hyperelliptic Jacobians B Creutz
International Journal of Number Theory 14 (06), 1709-1713, 2018
4 2018 Local-global principles for Weil–Châtelet divisibility in positive characteristic B Creutz, JF Voloch
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 163 (2), 357-367, 2017
4 2017 The Brauer-Manin obstruction for nonisotrivial curves over global function fields B Creutz, JF Voloch
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.13075, 2023
3 2023 Zero-cycles of degree one on Skorobogatov's bielliptic surface B Creutz
Journal of Number Theory 178, 1-4, 2017
3 2017