Stefan Jakšić
Stefan Jakšić
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Quantitative monitoring of STL with edit distance
S Jakšić, E Bartocci, R Grosu, T Nguyen, D Ničković
Formal methods in system design 53, 83-112, 2018
From signal temporal logic to FPGA monitors
S Jakšić, E Bartocci, R Grosu, R Kloibhofer, T Nguyen, D Ničkovié
2015 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for …, 2015
Runtime Monitoring with Recovery of the SENT Communication Protocol
K Selyunin, S Jakšić, T Nguyen, C Reidl, U Hafner, E Bartocci, D Nickovic, ...
Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Computer aided …, 2017
An algebraic framework for runtime verification
S Jakšić, E Bartocci, R Grosu, D Ničković
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2018
The HARMONIA project: hardware monitoring for automotive systems-of-systems
T Nguyen, E Bartocci, D Ničković, R Grosu, S Jaksic, K Selyunin
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation …, 2016
Model-free reinforcement learning for symbolic automata-encoded objectives
A Balakrishnan, S Jaksic, E Aguilar, D Nickovic, J Deshmukh
Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems …, 2022
Weakness monitors for fail-aware systems
W Granig, S Jakšić, H Lewitschnig, C Mateis, D Ničković
International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems …, 2020
Safety and security in a smart production environment
R Kloibhofer, E Kristen, S Jakšić
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: SAFECOMP 2018 Workshops, ASSURE …, 2018
Steering drivers of change: maximising benefits of trustworthy IoT
O Veledar, E Armengaud, LH Botler, V Damjanovic-Behrendt, C Derler, ...
Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement: 28th European Conference …, 2021
Model-Free Reinforcement Learning for Spatiotemporal Tasks Using Symbolic Automata
A Balakrishnan, S Jakšić, EA Aguilar, D Ničković, JV Deshmukh
2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6834-6840, 2023
Safety and Security of IoT-based Solutions for Autonomous Driving: Architectural Perspective
O Veledar, G Macher, E Armengaud, S Jaksic, C Schmittner, ...
Proc. 6th International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment …, 2019
Mobility of the Future: Automotive Intelligence for Connected Shared Mobility
E Schoitsch, S Jaksic, C Schmittner
MESS22-MicroElectronic Systems Symposium, Vienna, 2022
Rule-Based Threat Analysis and Mitigation for the Automotive Domain
AM Shaaban, S Jaksic, O Veledar, T Mauthner, E Arnautovic, ...
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2021 Workshops: DECSoS …, 2021
Real-Time Monitoring for Correctness and Robustness
S Jaksic
Real-time monitoring for correctness and robustness
S Jakšić
TU Wien, 2018
The HARMONIA Project: Hardware Monitoring for Automotive Systems-of-Systems
S Jaksic, K Selyunin
signal processing 8, 10, 2016
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