Bin Wang
Bin Wang
School of Software, Tsinghua University
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Efficient example-based painting and synthesis of 2d directional texture
B Wang, W Wang, H Yang, J Sun
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 10 (3), 266-277, 2004
Q-mat: Computing medial axis transform by quadratic error minimization
P Li, B Wang, F Sun, X Guo, C Zhang, W Wang
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35 (1), 1-16, 2015
A survey of blue-noise sampling and its applications
DM Yan, JW Guo, B Wang, XP Zhang, P Wonka
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 30 (3), 439-452, 2015
An interactive method to improve crowdsourced annotations
S Liu, C Chen, Y Lu, F Ouyang, B Wang
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (1), 235-245, 2018
Parallel L-BFGS-B algorithm on gpu
Y Fei, G Rong, B Wang, W Wang
Computers & graphics 40, 1-9, 2014
Relaxed lightweight assembly retrieval using vector space model
KM Hu, B Wang, JH Yong, JC Paul
Computer-Aided Design 45 (3), 739-750, 2013
Semi-supervised object detection with adaptive class-rebalancing self-training
F Zhang, T Pan, B Wang
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 36 (3), 3252-3261, 2022
Bilateral blue noise sampling
J Chen, X Ge, LY Wei, B Wang, Y Wang, H Wang, Y Fei, KL Qian, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics 32 (6), 216:1-216:11, 2013
Towards photo watercolorization with artistic verisimilitude
M Wang, B Wang, Y Fei, K Qian, W Wang, J Chen, JH Yong
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 20 (10), 1451-1460, 2014
High quality solid texture synthesis using position and index histogram matching
J Chen, B Wang
The Visual Computer 26, 253-262, 2010
Seg-mat: 3d shape segmentation using medial axis transform
C Lin, L Liu, C Li, L Kobbelt, B Wang, S Xin, W Wang
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 28 (6), 2430-2444, 2020
DeepDirect: Learning directions of social ties with edge-based network embedding
C Wang, C Wang, Z Wang, X Ye, JX Yu, B Wang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 31 (12), 2277-2291, 2018
Surface reconstruction from point clouds without normals by parametrizing the gauss formula
S Lin, D Xiao, Z Shi, B Wang
ACM Transactions on Graphics 42 (2), 1-19, 2022
Manifold-ranking based retrieval using k-regular nearest neighbor graph
B Wang, F Pan, KM Hu, JC Paul
Pattern Recognition 45 (4), 1569-1577, 2012
Multi‐image based photon tracing for interactive global illumination of dynamic scenes
C Yao, B Wang, B Chan, J Yong, JC Paul
Computer Graphics Forum 29 (4), 1315-1324, 2010
Improved stochastic progressive photon mapping with metropolis sampling
J Chen, B Wang, JH Yong
Computer Graphics Forum 30 (4), 1205-1213, 2011
Where to Prune: Using LSTM to Guide End-to-end Pruning.
J Zhong, G Ding, Y Guo, J Han, B Wang
IJCAI, 3205-3211, 2018
Wall grid structure for interior scene synthesis
W Xu, B Wang, DM Yan
Computers & Graphics 46, 231-243, 2015
Automatic thumbnail generation based on visual representativeness and foreground recognizability
J Huang, H Chen, B Wang, S Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 253-261, 2015
Point-tessellated voxelization
Y Fei, B Wang, J Chen
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2012, 9-18, 2012
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