Antonio Rago
Antonio Rago
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Argumentative XAI: a survey
K Čyras, A Rago, E Albini, P Baroni, F Toni
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.11266, 2021
Discontinuity-free decision support with quantitative argumentation debates
A Rago, F Toni, M Aurisicchio, P Baroni
Fifteenth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge …, 2016
Argumentation-Based Recommendations: Fantastic Explanations and How to Find Them.
A Rago, O Cocarascu, F Toni
IJCAI, 1949-1955, 2018
From fine-grained properties to broad principles for gradual argumentation: A principled spectrum
P Baroni, A Rago, F Toni
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 105, 252-286, 2019
How many properties do we need for gradual argumentation?
P Baroni, A Rago, F Toni
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Extracting Dialogical Explanations for Review Aggregations with Argumentative Dialogical Agents.
O Cocarascu, A Rago, F Toni
AAMAS, 1261-1269, 2019
Argumentative explanations for interactive recommendations
A Rago, O Cocarascu, C Bechlivanidis, D Lagnado, F Toni
Artificial Intelligence 296, 103506, 2021
Argumentation as a framework for interactive explanations for recommendations
A Rago, O Cocarascu, C Bechlivanidis, F Toni
Proceedings of the International Conference on Principles of Knowledge …, 2020
Relation-Based Counterfactual Explanations for Bayesian Network Classifiers.
E Albini, A Rago, P Baroni, F Toni
IJCAI, 451-457, 2020
Formalising the robustness of counterfactual explanations for neural networks
J Jiang, F Leofante, A Rago, F Toni
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (12), 14901 …, 2023
Argflow: A toolkit for deep argumentative explanations for neural networks
A Dejl, C He, P Mangal, H Mohsin, B Surdu, E Voinea, E Albini, ...
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2021
Quantitative argumentation debates with votes for opinion polling
A Rago, F Toni
PRIMA 2017: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: 20th …, 2017
Deep argumentative explanations
E Albini, P Lertvittayakumjorn, A Rago, F Toni
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.05766, 2020
Abstract games of argumentation strategy and game-theoretical argument strength
P Baroni, G Comini, A Rago, F Toni
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems …, 2017
Influence-driven explanations for Bayesian network classifiers
E Albini, A Rago, P Baroni, F Toni
PRICAI 2021: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 18th Pacific Rim …, 2021
Interactive explanations by conflict resolution via argumentative exchanges
A Rago, H Li, F Toni
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.15022, 2023
Neural qbafs: Explaining neural networks under LRP-based argumentation frameworks
P Sukpanichnant, A Rago, P Lertvittayakumjorn, F Toni
International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial …, 2021
Pagerank as an argumentation semantics
E Albini, P Baroni, A Rago, F Toni
Computational Models of Argument, 55-66, 2020
Justifications Derived from Inconsistent Case Bases Using Authoritativeness.
J Peters, F Bex, H Prakken
ArgXAI@ COMMA, 2022
Forecasting argumentation frameworks
B Irwin, A Rago, F Toni
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.11590, 2022
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