Timofey Bryksin
Timofey Bryksin
JetBrains Research
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Out of the bleu: how should we assess quality of the code generation models?
M Evtikhiev, E Bogomolov, Y Sokolov, T Bryksin
Journal of Systems and Software 203, 111741, 2023
Pathminer: a library for mining of path-based representations of code
V Kovalenko, E Bogomolov, T Bryksin, A Bacchelli
2019 IEEE/ACM 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories …, 2019
Архитектура среды визуального моделирования QReal
АН Терехов, ТА Брыксин, ЮВ Литвинов, КК Смирнов, ГА Никандров, ...
Системное программирование 4 (1), 171, 2009
Authorship attribution of source code: A language-agnostic approach and applicability in software engineering
E Bogomolov, V Kovalenko, Y Rebryk, A Bacchelli, T Bryksin
Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering …, 2021
A study of potential code borrowing and license violations in java projects on github
Y Golubev, M Eliseeva, N Povarov, T Bryksin
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mining Software …, 2020
One thousand and one stories: a large-scale survey of software refactoring
Y Golubev, Z Kurbatova, EA AlOmar, T Bryksin, MW Mkaouer
Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering …, 2021
On the transferability of pre-trained language models for low-resource programming languages
F Chen, FH Fard, D Lo, T Bryksin
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program …, 2022
QReal: платформа визуального предметно-ориентированного моделирования
АН Терехов, ТА Брыксин, ЮВ Литвинов
Программная инженерия, 11-19, 2013
A large-scale comparison of Python code in Jupyter notebooks and scripts
K Grotov, S Titov, V Sotnikov, Y Golubev, T Bryksin
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mining Software …, 2022
Hyperstyle: A tool for assessing the code quality of solutions to programming assignments
A Birillo, I Vlasov, A Burylov, V Selishchev, A Goncharov, E Tikhomirova, ...
Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2022
Pynose: a test smell detector for python
T Wang, Y Golubev, O Smirnov, J Li, T Bryksin, I Ahmed
2021 36th IEEE/ACM international conference on automated software …, 2021
Multi-threshold token-based code clone detection
Y Golubev, V Poletansky, N Povarov, T Bryksin
2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2021
Среда визуального программирования роботов QReal: Robots
ТА Брыксин, ЮВ Литвинов
Материалы международной конференции «Информационные технологии в образовании …, 2011
Recommendation of move method refactoring using path-based representation of code
Z Kurbatova, I Veselov, Y Golubev, T Bryksin
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software …, 2020
The intellij platform: a framework for building plugins and mining software data
Z Kurbatova, Y Golubev, V Kovalenko, T Bryksin
2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2021
Trik studio: technical introduction
D Mordvinov, Y Litvinov, T Bryksin
2017 20th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 296-308, 2017
Поддержка жестов мышью в мета-CASE-системах
МС Осечкина, ТА Брыксин, ЮВ Литвинов, ЯА Кириленко
Системное программирование 5 (1), 52-75, 2010
QReal DSM platform-An Environment for Creation of Specific Visual IDEs
A Kuzenkova, A Deripaska, T Bryksin, Y Litvinov, V Polyakov
International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to …, 2013
Средства быстрой разработки предметно-ориентированных решений в metacasе-средстве QReal
АС Кузенкова, АО Дерипаска, КС Таран, АВ Подкопаев, ЮВ Литвинов, ...
Информатика, телекоммуникации и управление, 142-145, 2011
Inferring and applying type changes
A Ketkar, O Smirnov, N Tsantalis, D Dig, T Bryksin
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2022
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Artículos 1–20