Dehairs Frank
Dehairs Frank
Professor biogeochemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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Discrete suspended particles of barite and the barium cycle in the open ocean
F Dehairs, R Chesselet, J Jedwab
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 49 (2), 528-550, 1980
Revisiting carbon flux through the ocean's twilight zone
KO Buesseler, CH Lamborg, PW Boyd, PJ Lam, TW Trull, RR Bidigare, ...
science 316 (5824), 567-570, 2007
High resolution distribution of trace elements in the calcite shell layer of modern Mytilus edulis: environmental and biological controls
E Vander Putten, F Dehairs, E Keppens, W Baeyens
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (6), 997-1011, 2000
Primary producers sustaining macro-invertebrate communities in intertidal mangrove forests
S Bouillon, N Koedam, A Raman, F Dehairs
Oecologia 130, 441-448, 2002
Sources of organic carbon in mangrove sediments: variability and possible ecological implications
S Bouillon, F Dahdouh-Guebas, A Rao, N Koedam, F Dehairs
Hydrobiologia 495, 33-39, 2003
The behaviour of dissolved barium in estuaries
M Coffey, F Dehairs, O Collette, G Luther, T Church, T Jickells
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 45 (1), 113-121, 1997
Assessing the apparent imbalance between geochemical and biochemical indicators of meso-and bathypelagic biological activity: What the@ $♯! is wrong with present calculations …
AB Burd, DA Hansell, DK Steinberg, TR Anderson, J Arístegui, F Baltar, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (16), 1557-1571, 2010
The GEOTRACES intermediate data product 2017
R Schlitzer, RF Anderson, EM Dodas, M Lohan, W Geibert, A Tagliabue, ...
Chemical Geology 493, 210-223, 2018
Strong biological controls on Sr/Ca ratios in aragonitic marine bivalve shells
DP Gillikin, A Lorrain, J Navez, JW Taylor, L André, E Keppens, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 6 (5), 2005
Hydrocarbons and oxidized organic compounds in hydrothermal fluids from Rainbow and Lost City ultramafic-hosted vents
C Konn, JL Charlou, JP Donval, NG Holm, F Dehairs, S Bouillon
Chemical geology 258 (3-4), 299-314, 2009
The distribution of Fe in the Antarctic circumpolar current
BM Loscher, HJW De Baar, JTM De Jong, C Veth, F Dehairs
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 44 (1-2), 143-187, 1997
Stable carbon isotopic composition of Mytilus edulis shells: relation to metabolism, salinity, δ13CDIC and phytoplankton
DP Gillikin, A Lorrain, S Bouillon, P Willenz, F Dehairs
Organic Geochemistry 37 (10), 1371-1382, 2006
Trophic relationships in an interlinked mangrove-seagrass ecosystem as traced by delta13C and delta15N
S Marguillier, G Van der Velde, F Dehairs, MA Hemminga, S Rajagopal
Marine Ecology Progress Series 151, 115-121, 1997
The marine barite saturation state of the world's oceans
C Monnin, C Jeandel, T Cattaldo, F Dehairs
Marine Chemistry 65 (3-4), 253-261, 1999
Importance of intertidal sediment processes and porewater exchange on the water column biogeochemistry in a pristine mangrove creek (Ras Dege, Tanzania)
S Bouillon, JJ Middelburg, F Dehairs, AV Borges, G Abril, MR Flindt, ...
Biogeosciences 4 (3), 311-322, 2007
Trophic Relationships in the Rhine Food Web during Invasion and after Establishment of the Ponto-Caspian Invader Dikerogammarus villosus
MC Van Riel, G Velde, S Rajagopal, S Marguillier, F Dehairs, ...
Hydrobiologia 565, 39-58, 2006
Barium uptake into the shells of the common mussel (Mytilus edulis) and the potential for estuarine paleo-chemistry reconstruction
DP Gillikin, F Dehairs, A Lorrain, D Steenmans, W Baeyens, L André
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (2), 395-407, 2006
Sources of suspended organic matter and selective feeding by zooplankton in an estuarine mangrove ecosystem as traced by stable isotopes
S Bouillon, PC Mohan, N Sreenivas, F Dehairs
Marine Ecology Progress Series 208, 79-92, 2000
Resource utilization patterns of epifauna from mangrove forests with contrasting inputs of local versus imported organic matter
S Bouillon, T Moens, I Overmeer, N Koedam, F Dehairs
Marine Ecology Progress Series 278, 77-88, 2004
High-resolution trace element profiles in shells of the mangrove bivalve Isognomon ephippium: a record of environmental spatio-temporal variations?
CE Lazareth, E Vander Putten, L André, F Dehairs
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 57 (5-6), 1103-1114, 2003
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Artículos 1–20