Francisco C Pereira
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The geography of taste: analyzing cell-phone mobility and social events
F Calabrese, FC Pereira, G Di Lorenzo, L Liu, C Ratti
Pervasive Computing: 8th International Conference, Pervasive 2010, Helsinki …, 2010
Mining point-of-interest data from social networks for urban land use classification and disaggregation
S Jiang, A Alves, F Rodrigues, J Ferreira Jr, FC Pereira
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 53, 36-46, 2015
Future mobility survey: Experience in developing a smartphone-based travel survey in Singapore
CD Cottrill, FC Pereira, F Zhao, IF Dias, HB Lim, ME Ben-Akiva, ...
Transportation Research Record 2354 (1), 59-67, 2013
Multi-output bus travel time prediction with convolutional LSTM neural network
NC Petersen, F Rodrigues, FC Pereira
Expert Systems with Applications 120, 426-435, 2019
Deep learning from crowds
F Rodrigues, F Pereira
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Simmobility: A multi-scale integrated agent-based simulation platform
M Adnan, FC Pereira, CML Azevedo, K Basak, M Lovric, S Raveau, Y Zhu, ...
95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board Forthcoming in …, 2016
Creativity and artificial intelligence: a conceptual blending approach
F Câmara Pereira
Mouton de Gruyter, 2007
Combining time-series and textual data for taxi demand prediction in event areas: A deep learning approach
F Rodrigues, I Markou, FC Pereira
Information Fusion 49, 120-129, 2019
Using pattern recognition to identify habitual behavior in residential electricity consumption
JM Abreu, FC Pereira, P Ferrão
Energy and buildings 49, 479-487, 2012
Comparison of four types of artificial neural network and a multinomial logit model for travel mode choice modeling
D Lee, S Derrible, FC Pereira
Transportation Research Record 2672 (49), 101-112, 2018
Gaussian process classification and active learning with multiple annotators
F Rodrigues, F Pereira, B Ribeiro
International conference on machine learning, 433-441, 2014
Exploratory analysis of a smartphone-based travel survey in Singapore
F Zhao, FC Pereira, R Ball, Y Kim, Y Han, C Zegras, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Record 2494 (1), 45-56, 2015
Text analysis in incident duration prediction
FC Pereira, F Rodrigues, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 37, 177-192, 2013
Learning from multiple annotators: distinguishing good from random labelers
F Rodrigues, F Pereira, B Ribeiro
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (12), 1428-1436, 2013
Overview of traffic incident duration analysis and prediction
R Li, FC Pereira, ME Ben-Akiva
European transport research review 10 (2), 1-13, 2018
Using data from the web to predict public transport arrivals under special events scenarios
FC Pereira, F Rodrigues, M Ben-Akiva
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (3), 273-288, 2015
Choice modelling in the age of machine learning-Discussion paper
S van Cranenburgh, S Wang, A Vij, F Pereira, J Walker
Journal of Choice Modelling 42, 100340, 2022
Beyond expectation: Deep joint mean and quantile regression for spatiotemporal problems
F Rodrigues, FC Pereira
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (12), 5377-5389, 2020
Probabilistic modeling and visualization for bankruptcy prediction
F Antunes, B Ribeiro, F Pereira
Applied Soft Computing 60, 831-843, 2017
Learning supervised topic models for classification and regression from crowds
F Rodrigues, M Lourenco, B Ribeiro, FC Pereira
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 39 (12), 2409 …, 2017
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