Jose M. Iñesta
Jose M. Iñesta
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Comparison of classifier fusion methods for classification in pattern recognition tasks
F Moreno-Seco, JM Inesta, PJ Ponce de León, L Micó
Joint IAPR International Workshops on Statistical Techniques in Pattern …, 2006
Improving Genre Classification by Combination of Audio and Symbolic Descriptors Using a Transcription Systems.
T Lidy, A Rauber, A Pertusa, JM Iñesta
ISMIR, 61-66, 2007
Multiple fundamental frequency estimation using Gaussian smoothness
A Pertusa, JM Inesta
2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2008
Vision-guided grasping of unknown objects for service robots
PJ Sanz, AP Del Pobil, JM Inesta, G Recatala
Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 1998
Genre classification using chords and stochastic language models
C Pérez-Sancho, D Rizo, JM Inesta
Connection science 21 (2-3), 145-159, 2009
A Pattern Recognition Approach for Melody Track Selection in MIDI Files.
D Rizo, PJ Ponce de León, C Pérez-Sancho, A Pertusa, ...
ISMIR, 61-66, 2006
Symbolic music comparison with tree data structures
D Rizo
Universidad de Alicante, 2010
Grasping the not-so-obvious: vision-based object handling for industrial applications
PJ Sanz, A Requena, JM Inesta, AP Del Pobil
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 12 (3), 44-52, 2005
Reliable polygonal approximations of imaged real objects through dominant point detection
JM Iñesta, M Buendí, MÁ Sarti
Pattern Recognition 31 (6), 685-697, 1998
Harmonic, melodic, and functional automatic analysis
PR Illescas, D Rizo, JM Iñesta-Quereda
ICMC, 2007
Hand bone segmentation in radioabsorptiometry images for computerised bone mass assessment
JM Sotoca, JM Iñesta, MA Belmonte
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 27 (6), 459-467, 2003
Two (Note) Heads Are Better Than One: Pen-Based Multimodal Interaction with Music Scores.
J Calvo-Zaragoza, D Rizo, JM Iñesta-Quereda
ISMIR, 509-514, 2016
Genre classification of music by tonal harmony
C Pérez-Sancho, D Rizo, JM Inesta, PJ Ponce de León, S Kersten, ...
Intelligent Data Analysis 14 (5), 533-545, 2010
New rank methods for reducing the size of the training set using the nearest neighbor rule
JR Rico-Juan, JM Iñesta
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (5), 654-660, 2012
Melody recognition with learned edit distances
A Habrard, JM Inesta, D Rizo, M Sebban
Joint IAPR International Workshops on Statistical Techniques in Pattern …, 2008
Statistical description models for melody analysis and characterization.
PJP De León, JM Iñesta-Quereda
ICMC, 2004
Feature-driven recognition of music styles
PJP De León, JM Inesta
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: First Iberian Conference, IbPRIA …, 2003
Muret: A music recognition, encoding, and transcription tool
D Rizo, J Calvo-Zaragoza, JM Iñesta
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on digital libraries for …, 2018
Combining audio and symbolic descriptors for music classification from audio
T Lidy, A Rauber, A Pertusa, J Inesta
Music Information Retrieval Information Exchange (MIREX), 2007
A Neural Approach for Full-Page Optical Music Recognition of Mensural Documents.
FJ Castellanos, J Calvo-Zaragoza, JM Iñesta
ISMIR, 558-565, 2020
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