Valéry Legrain
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The pain matrix reloaded: a salience detection system for the body
V Legrain, GD Iannetti, L Plaghki, A Mouraux
Progress in neurobiology 93 (1), 111-124, 2011
A neurocognitive model of attention to pain: behavioral and neuroimaging evidence
V Legrain, S Van Damme, C Eccleston, KD Davis, DA Seminowicz, ...
Pain 144 (3), 230-232, 2009
Keeping pain in mind: a motivational account of attention to pain
S Van Damme, V Legrain, J Vogt, G Crombez
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 34 (2), 204-213, 2010
Attentional modulation of the nociceptive processing into the human brain: selective spatial attention, probability of stimulus occurrence, and target detection effects on …
V Legrain, JM Guérit, R Bruyer, L Plaghki
Pain 99 (1-2), 21-39, 2002
Cognitive aspects of nociception and pain. Bridging neurophysiology with cognitive psychology
V Legrain, F Mancini, CF Sambo, DM Torta, I Ronga, E Valentini
Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 42 (5), 325-336, 2012
Attention to pain! A neurocognitive perspective on attentional modulation of pain in neuroimaging studies
DM Torta, V Legrain, A Mouraux, E Valentini
Cortex 89, 120-134, 2017
Involuntary orienting of attention to nociceptive events: neural and behavioral signatures
V Legrain, C Perchet, L García-Larrea
Journal of neurophysiology 102 (4), 2423-2434, 2009
Thermal Detection Thresholds of Aδ- and C-Fibre Afferents Activated by Brief CO2 Laser Pulses Applied onto the Human Hairy Skin
M Churyukanov, L Plaghki, V Legrain, A Mouraux
PloS one 7 (4), e35817, 2012
Nociceptive steady-state evoked potentials elicited by rapid periodic thermal stimulation of cutaneous nociceptors
A Mouraux, GD Iannetti, E Colon, S Nozaradan, V Legrain, L Plaghki
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (16), 6079-6087, 2011
Nociceptive processing in the human brain of infrequent task-relevant and task-irrelevant noxious stimuli. A study with event-related potentials evoked by CO2 laser radiant …
V Legrain, R Bruyer, JM Guérit, L Plaghki
Pain 103 (3), 237-248, 2003
Evoked potentials to nociceptive stimuli delivered by CO2 or Nd: YAP lasers
C Perchet, F Godinho, S Mazza, M Frot, V Legrain, M Magnin, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 119 (11), 2615-2622, 2008
The role of working memory in the attentional control of pain
V Legrain, G Crombez, K Verhoeven, A Mouraux
PAIN® 152 (2), 453-459, 2011
Involuntary orientation of attention to unattended deviant nociceptive stimuli is modulated by concomitant visual task difficulty. Evidence from laser evoked potentials
V Legrain, R Bruyer, JM Guérit, L Plaghki
Clinical Neurophysiology 116 (9), 2165-2174, 2005
Pain, body, and space: what do patients with complex regional pain syndrome really neglect?
V Legrain, JH Bultitude, AL De Paepe, Y Rossetti
PAIN® 153 (5), 948-951, 2012
Laser evoked responses to painful stimulation persist during sleep and predict subsequent arousals
H Bastuji, C Perchet, V Legrain, C Montes, L Garcia-Larrea
PAIN® 137 (3), 589-599, 2008
Time-frequency analysis of chemosensory event-related potentials to characterize the cortical representation of odors in humans
C Huart, V Legrain, T Hummel, P Rombaux, A Mouraux
PLoS One 7 (3), e33221, 2012
Shielding cognition from nociception with working memory
V Legrain, G Crombez, L Plaghki, A Mouraux
Cortex 49 (7), 1922-1934, 2013
Controlling attention to nociceptive stimuli with working memory
V Legrain, G Crombez, A Mouraux
PloS one 6 (6), e20926, 2011
Mapping nociceptive stimuli in a peripersonal frame of reference: evidence from a temporal order judgment task
AL De Paepe, G Crombez, C Spence, V Legrain
Neuropsychologia 56, 219-228, 2014
Steady-state evoked potentials to study the processing of tactile and nociceptive somatosensory input in the human brain
E Colon, V Legrain, A Mouraux
Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 42 (5), 315-323, 2012
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Artículos 1–20