Infinite-server queues with Hawkes input DT Koops, M Saxena, OJ Boxma, M Mandjes
Journal of Applied Probability 55 (3), 920-943, 2018
56 2018 Networks of queues with shot-noise-driven arrival intensities DT Koops, OJ Boxma, MRH Mandjes
Queueing Systems 86, 301-325, 2017
44 2017 Predicting the confirmation time of bitcoin transactions D Koops
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.10596, 2018
35 2018 Predicting confirmation times of bitcoin transactions R Gundlach, M Gijsbers, D Koops, J Resing
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 48 (4), 16-19, 2021
22 2021 Nonparametric estimation of service time characteristics in infinite-server queues with nonstationary Poisson input A Goldenshluger, DT Koops
Stochastic Systems 9 (3), 183-207, 2019
19 2019 Linear stochastic fluid networks: rare-event simulation and Markov modulation OJ Boxma, EJ Cahen, D Koops, M Mandjes
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 21, 125-153, 2019
13 2019 A tandem fluid network with Lévy input in heavy traffic DT Koops, OJ Boxma, MRH Mandjes
Queueing Systems 84 (3), 355-379, 2016
5 2016 Queueing systems with nonstandard input processes D Koops
Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2019
2 2019 Infinite-server queues with Hawkes arrival processes D Koops, M Saxena, O Boxma, M Mandjes
arXiv preprint ArXiv:1707.02196, 2017
2 2017 Linear Stochastic Fluid Networks OJ Boxma, EJ Cahen, D Koops, M Mandjes
2018 Networks of · / G / ∞ queues with shot-noise-driven arrival intensities DT Koops, OJ Boxma, MRH Mandjes
Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 1-25, 0