Malvina Nissim
Malvina Nissim
Professor of Computational Linguistics and Society, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
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Bertje: A dutch bert model
W De Vries, A van Cranenburgh, A Bisazza, T Caselli, G van Noord, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.09582, 2019
Exploiting context for biomedical entity recognition: From syntax to the web
JR Finkel, S Dingare, H Nguyen, M Nissim, CD Manning, G Sinclair
Proceedings of the international joint workshop on natural language …, 2004
Sentiment analysis on Italian tweets
V Basile, M Nissim
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity …, 2013
Overview of the evalita 2016 sentiment polarity classification task
F Barbieri, V Basile, D Croce, M Nissim, N Novielli, V Patti
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1749, 2016
Exploring the boundaries: gene and protein identification in biomedical text
J Finkel, S Dingare, CD Manning, M Nissim, B Alex, C Grover
BMC bioinformatics 6, 1-9, 2005
Fair is better than sensational: Man is to doctor as woman is to doctor
M Nissim, R van Noord, R Van Der Goot
Computational Linguistics 46 (2), 487-497, 2020
Unmasking contextual stereotypes: Measuring and mitigating BERT's gender bias
M Bartl, M Nissim, A Gatt
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.14534, 2020
An Annotation Scheme for Information Status in Dialogue.
M Nissim, S Dingare, J Carletta, M Steedman
LREC, 2004
Overview of the Evalita 2014 SENTIment POLarity Classification Task
V Basile, A Bolioli, M Nissim, V Patti, P Rosso
Proceedings of EVALITA 2014, 50-57, 2014
The meaning factory: Formal semantics for recognizing textual entailment and determining semantic similarity
J Bjerva, J Bos, R Van der Goot, M Nissim
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2014
N-gram: New groningen author-profiling model
A Basile, G Dwyer, M Medvedeva, J Rawee, H Haagsma, M Nissim
Working Notes of CLEF 2017-Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, 2017
Using the web for nominal anaphora resolution
K Markert, M Nissim, N Modjeska
EACL Workshop on the Computational Treatment of Anaphora, 39-46, 2003
A system for identifying named entities in biomedical text: how results from two evaluations reflect on both the system and the evaluations
S Dingare, M Nissim, J Finkel, C Manning, C Grover
Comparative and functional genomics 6 (1‐2), 77-85, 2005
Comparing knowledge sources for nominal anaphora resolution
K Markert, M Nissim
Computational Linguistics 31 (3), 367-402, 2005
N-gram: New groningen author-profiling model
MN A Basile, G Dwyer, M Medvedeva, J Rawee, H Haagsma
Working Notes of CLEF 2017-Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, 2017
As good as new. how to successfully recycle english gpt-2 to make models for other languages
W de Vries, M Nissim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.05628, 2020
Towards a Corpus Annotated for Metonymies: the Case of Location Names.
K Markert, M Nissim
LREC, 2002
Bleaching text: Abstract features for cross-lingual gender prediction
R Van Der Goot, N Ljubešić, I Matroos, M Nissim, B Plank
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.03122, 2018
A framework for annotating information structure in discourse
S Calhoun, M Nissim, M Steedman, J Brenier
Association for Computational Linguistics, 2005
Syntactic features and word similarity for supervised metonymy resolution
M Nissim, K Markert
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2003
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