Anirudh Raju
Anirudh Raju
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Max-pooling loss training of long short-term memory networks for small-footprint keyword spotting
M Sun, A Raju, G Tucker, S Panchapagesan, G Fu, A Mandal, ...
2016 IEEE spoken language technology workshop (SLT), 474-480, 2016
On evaluating and comparing conversational agents
A Venkatesh, C Khatri, A Ram, F Guo, R Gabriel, A Nagar, R Prasad, ...
Improving noise robustness of automatic speech recognition via parallel data and teacher-student learning
L Mošner, M Wu, A Raju, SHK Parthasarathi, K Kumatani, S Sundaram, ...
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Topic-based evaluation for conversational bots
F Guo, A Metallinou, C Khatri, A Raju, A Venkatesh, A Ram
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.03622, 2018
Time-delayed bottleneck highway networks using a DFT feature for keyword spotting
J Guo, K Kumatani, M Sun, M Wu, A Raju, N Ström, A Mandal
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2018
Speech to semantics: Improve asr and nlu jointly via all-neural interfaces
M Rao, A Raju, P Dheram, B Bui, A Rastrow
Proc. Interspeech 2020, 876--880, 2020
On evaluating and comparing open domain dialog systems
A Venkatesh, C Khatri, A Ram, F Guo, R Gabriel, A Nagar, R Prasad, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.03625, 2018
Data augmentation for robust keyword spotting under playback interference
A Raju, S Panchapagesan, X Liu, A Mandal, N Strom
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.00563, 2018
Scalable multi corpora neural language models for asr
A Raju, D Filimonov, G Tiwari, G Lan, A Rastrow
Proc. Interspeech 2019, 3910-3914., 2019
Contextual Language Model Adaptation for Conversational Agents
A Raju, B Hedayatnia, L Liu, A Gandhe, C Khatri, A Metallinou, ...
Proc Interspeech 2018, 3333-3337, 2018
Toward fairness in speech recognition: Discovery and mitigation of performance disparities
P Dheram, M Ramakrishnan, A Raju, IF Chen, B King, K Powell, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.11345, 2022
Multi-task language modeling for improving speech recognition of rare words
CHH Yang, L Liu, A Gandhe, Y Gu, A Raju, D Filimonov, I Bulyko
2021 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU …, 2021
MTL-SLT: multi-task learning for spoken language tasks
Z Huang, M Rao, A Raju, Z Zhang, B Bui, C Lee
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI, 120-130, 2022
On joint training with interfaces for spoken language understanding
A Raju, M Rao, G Tiwari, P Dheram, B Anderson, Z Zhang, C Lee, B Bui, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.15919, 2021
Do as i mean, not as i say: Sequence loss training for spoken language understanding
M Rao, P Dheram, G Tiwari, A Raju, J Droppo, A Rastrow, A Stolcke
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
Speech recognition using dialog history
B Hedayatnia, A Raju, A Gandhe, CP Khatri, A Rastrow, A Venkatesh, ...
US Patent 11,043,214, 2021
Attentive contextual carryover for multi-turn end-to-end spoken language understanding
K Wei, T Tran, FJ Chang, KM Sathyendra, T Muniyappa, J Liu, A Raju, ...
2021 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU …, 2021
Listen with intent: Improving speech recognition with audio-to-intent front-end
SN Ray, M Wu, A Raju, P Ghahremani, R Bilgi, M Rao, H Arsikere, ...
Proc. Interspeech 2021, 3455--3459, 2021
Ilasr: privacy-preserving incremental learning for automatic speech recognition at production scale
G Chennupati, M Rao, G Chadha, A Eakin, A Raju, G Tiwari, AK Sahu, ...
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and …, 2022
Non-linear dimension reduction of Gabor features for noise-robust ASR
HA Gupta, A Raju, A Alwan
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
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