Luke E. Richards
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Learning to understand non-categorical physical language for human robot interactions
LE Richards, C Matuszek
From the RSS Workshop on AI and its Alternatives in Assistive and …, 2019
FedSPLIT: One-Shot Federated Recommendation System Based on Non-negative Joint Matrix Factorization and Knowledge Distillation
ME Eren, LE Richards, M Bhattarai, R Yus, C Nicholas, BS Alexandrov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.02359, 2022
Learning Object Attributes with Category-Free Grounded Language from Deep Featurization
LE Richards, K Darvish, C Matuszek
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020
Practical Cross-Modal Manifold Alignment for Robotic Grounded Language Learning
AT Nguyen, LE Richards, GY Kebe, E Raff, K Darvish, F Ferraro, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Adversarial Transfer Attacks With Unknown Data and Class Overlap
LE Richards, A Nguyen, R Capps, S Forsyth, C Matuszek, E Raff
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security …, 2021
Bridging the Gap: Using Deep Acoustic Representations to Learn Grounded Language from Percepts and Raw Speech
GY Kebe, LE Richards, E Raff, F Ferraro, C Matuszek
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (10), 10884 …, 2022
Measuring Equality in Machine Learning Security Defenses
LE Richards, E Raff, C Matuszek
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.08973, 2023
One-Shot Federated Group Collaborative Filtering
ME Eren, M Bhattarai, N Solovyev, LE Richards, R Yus, C Nicholas, ...
2022 21st IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2022
Improving Out-of-Distribution Detection via Epistemic Uncertainty Adversarial Training
D Everett, AT Nguyen, LE Richards, E Raff
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.03148, 2022
Practical cross-modal manifold alignment for grounded language
AT Nguyen, LE Richards, GY Kebe, E Raff, K Darvish, F Ferraro, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.05147, 2020
Machine Learning Security as a Source of Unfairness in Human-Robot Interaction
LE Richards, C Matuszek
A Manifold Alignment Approach to Grounded Language Learning
LE Richards, AT Nguyen, K Darvish, E Raff, C Matuszek
Unpublished Proceedings of the 8th Northeast Robotics Colloquium, 2019
Minimizing Compute Costs: When Should We Run More Expensive Malware Analysis?
AT Nguyen, R Zak, LE Richards, M Fuchs, F Lu, R Brandon, GL Munoz, ...
CAMLIS, 81-99, 2022
Securing Critical Infrastructure in the Age of AI
P Eke, DM Gerstein, A Leblang, M McGee, G Rattray, L Richards, A Scott, ...
Measuring Equality in Machine Learning Security Defenses: A Case Study in Speech Recognition
LE Richards, E Raff, C Matuszek
Proceedings of the 16th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security …, 2023
Bridging the Gap: Using Deep Acoustic Representations to Learn Grounded Language from Percepts and Raw Speech
G Youssouf Kebe, LE Richards, E Raff, F Ferraro, C Matuszek
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2112.13758, 2021
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