Enrico Sette
Enrico Sette
Bank of Italy and CEPR
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Does credit crunch investment down? New evidence on the real effects of the bank-lending channel
F Cingano, F Manaresi, E Sette
The Review of Financial Studies 29 (10), 2737-2773, 2016
Credit misallocation during the European financial crisis
F Schivardi, E Sette, G Tabellini
The Economic Journal 132 (641), 391-423, 2022
Credit supply during a sovereign debt crisis
M Bofondi, L Carpinelli, E Sette
Bank of Italy Temi di Discussione (Working Paper) No 909, 2013
Relationship lending during a financial crisis
E Sette, G Gobbi
Journal of the European Economic Association 13 (3), 453-481, 2015
Negative monetary policy rates and portfolio rebalancing: Evidence from credit register data
M Bottero, MC Minoiu, JL Peydró, A Polo, MAF Presbitero, E Sette
International Monetary Fund, 2019
Double bank runs and liquidity risk management
F Ippolito, JL Peydró, A Polo, E Sette
Journal of Financial Economics 122 (1), 135-154, 2016
Productivity growth in Italy: a tale of a slow-motion change
M Bugamelli, F Lotti, M Amici, E Ciapanna, F Colonna, F D’Amuri, ...
Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2018
The age of the dragon: The effect of imports from China on firm‐level prices
M Bugamelli, S Fabiani, E Sette
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 47 (6), 1091-1118, 2015
Information technology and banking organization
S Mocetti, M Pagnini, E Sette
Journal of Financial Services Research 51, 313-338, 2017
Did the securitization market freeze affect bank lending during the financial crisis? Evidence from a credit register
EB di Patti, E Sette
Journal of Financial Intermediation 25, 54-76, 2016
Monetary policy at work: Security and credit application registers evidence
JL Peydró, A Polo, E Sette
Journal of Financial Economics 140 (3), 789-814, 2021
Do firms benefit from concentrating their borrowing? Evidence from the great recession
G Gobbi, E Sette
Review of Finance 18 (2), 527-560, 2014
Identifying the real effects of zombie lending
F Schivardi, E Sette, G Tabellini
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies 9 (3), 569-592, 2020
Relationship lending in a financial turmoil
S De Mitri, G Gobbi, E Sette
Bank of Italy Temi di Discussione (Working Paper) No 772, 2010
Bank balance sheets and the transmission of financial shocks to borrowers: evidence from the 2007-2008 crisis
E Bonaccorsi di Patti, E Sette
Bank of Italy Temi di Discussione (Working Paper) No 848, 2012
The real effects of relationship lending✰
RN Banerjee, L Gambacorta, E Sette
Journal of Financial Intermediation 48, 100923, 2021
How does bank capital affect the supply of mortgages? Evidence from a randomized experiment
V Michelangeli, E Sette
Evidence from a Randomized Experiment (February 25, 2016). Bank of Italy …, 2016
Banks as patient lenders: Evidence from a tax reform
E Carletti, F De Marco, V Ioannidou, E Sette
Journal of Financial Economics 141 (1), 6-26, 2021
Public guarantees and credit additionality during the Covid-19 pandemic
G Cascarino, R Gallo, F Palazzo, E Sette
Bank of Italy Temi di Discussione (Working Paper) No 1369, 2022
Report on trends in the Italian productive system
A Brandolini, M Bugamelli, G Barone, A Bassanetti, M Bianco, E Breda, ...
Questioni di economia e finanza (Occasional Papers), 2009
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Artículos 1–20