Juan Ramón RICO-JUAN
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Citado por
Clustering-based k-nearest neighbor classification for large-scale data with neural codes representation
AJ Gallego, J Calvo-Zaragoza, JJ Valero-Mas, JR Rico-Juan
Pattern Recognition 74, 531-543, 2018
Improving kNN multi-label classification in Prototype Selection scenarios using class proposals
J Calvo-Zaragoza, JJ Valero-Mas, JR Rico-Juan
Pattern Recognition 48 (5), 1608-1622, 2015
Machine learning with explainability or spatial hedonics tools? An analysis of the asking prices in the housing market in Alicante, Spain
JR Rico-Juan, PT de La Paz
Expert Systems with Applications 171, 114590, 2021
Efficient k-nearest neighbor search based on clustering and adaptive k values
AJ Gallego, JR Rico-Juan, JJ Valero-Mas
Pattern recognition 122, 108356, 2022
Comparison of AESA and LAESA search algorithms using string and tree-edit-distances
JR Rico-Juan, L Micó
Pattern Recognition Letters 24 (9-10), 1417-1426, 2003
Oversampling imbalanced data in the string space
FJ Castellanos, JJ Valero-Mas, J Calvo-Zaragoza, JR Rico-Juan
Pattern Recognition Letters 103, 32-38, 2018
Automatic detection of inconsistencies between numerical scores and textual feedback in peer-assessment processes with machine learning
J Rico-Juan, J. R., Gallego, A. J., and Calvo-Zaragoza
Computers & Education 140, 103609, 2019
New rank methods for reducing the size of the training set using the nearest neighbor rule
JR Rico-Juan, JM Iñesta
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (5), 654-660, 2012
Probabilistic k-Testable Tree Languages
JR Rico-Juan, J Calera-Rubio, RC Carrasco
Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and Applications: 5th International …, 2000
Extensions to rank-based prototype selection in k-Nearest Neighbour classification
J Rico-Juan, J. R. and Valero-Mas, J. J. Calvo-Zaragoza
Applied Soft Computing 85, 105803, 2019
A similarity between probabilistic tree languages: application to XML document families
RC Carrasco, JR Rico-Juan
Pattern Recognition 36 (9), 2197-2199, 2003
Insights into efficient k-nearest neighbor classification with convolutional neural codes
AJ Gallego, J Calvo-Zaragoza, JR Rico-Juan
IEEE Access 8, 99312-99326, 2020
Prototype generation on structural data using dissimilarity space representation
J Calvo-Zaragoza, JJ Valero-Mas, JR Rico-Juan
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 2415-2424, 2017
A new iterative algorithm for computing a quality approximate median of strings based on edit operations
J Abreu, JR Rico-Juan
Pattern Recognition Letters 36, 74-80, 2014
Stochastic k-testable Tree Languages and Applications
JR Rico-Juan, J Calera-Rubio, RC Carrasco
International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, 199-212, 2002
Statistical semi-supervised system for grading multiple peer-reviewed open-ended works
JR Rico-Juan, AJ Gallego, JJ Valero-Mas, J Calvo-Zaragoza
Computers & Education 126, 264-282, 2018
On the suitability of Prototype Selection methods for kNN classification with distributed data
JJ Valero-Mas, J Calvo-Zaragoza, JR Rico-Juan
Neurocomputing 203, 150-160, 2016
Predicting exclusive breastfeeding in maternity wards using machine learning techniques
A Oliver-Roig, JR Rico-Juan, M Richart-Martínez, J Cabrero-García
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 221, 106837, 2022
An experimental study on rank methods for prototype selection
JJ Valero-Mas, J Calvo-Zaragoza, JR Rico-Juan, JM Iñesta
Soft Computing 21, 5703-5715, 2017
Adaptive training set reduction for nearest neighbor classification
JR Rico-Juan, JM Iñesta
Neurocomputing 138, 316-324, 2014
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