Combining K-Means and K-Harmonic with Fish School Search Algorithm for data clustering task on graphics processing units ABS Serapião, GS Corrêa, FB Gonçalves, VO Carvalho Applied Soft Computing 41, 290-304, 2016 | 81 | 2016 |
Latent association rule cluster based model to extract topics for classification and recommendation applications FF dos Santos, MA Domingues, CV Sundermann, VO de Carvalho, ... Expert Systems with Applications 112, 34-60, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Aprendizado não supervisionado em domínios fuzzy Algoritmo fuzzy c-means FS Yonamine, L Specia, VO Carvalho, MC Nicoletti São Carlos: UFSCAR, 2002 | 16 | 2002 |
Obtaining and evaluating generalized association rules VO de Carvalho, SO Rezende, M Castro Proc. Int'l Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'2007 2, 310-315, 2007 | 14 | 2007 |
PAR-COM: A New Methodology for Post-processing Association Rules VO Carvalho, FF Santos, SO Rezende, R Padua Enterprise Information Systems, 66-80, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
Combining Data-Driven and User-Driven Evaluation Measures to Identify Interesting Rules SO Rezende, EA Melanda, ML Fujimoto, RA Sinoara, VO de Carvalho Post-Mining of Association Rules: Techniques for Effective, 38, 2009 | 11 | 2009 |
Selecting candidate labels for hierarchical document clusters using association rules FF Dos Santos, VO De Carvalho, S Oliveira Rezende Advances in Soft Computing: 9th Mexican International Conference on …, 2010 | 10 | 2010 |
A systematic mapping on the use of data mining for the face-to-face school dropout problem LR Sousa, VO Carvalho, BE Penteado, FJ Affonso Proceedings, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Post-Processing Association Rules using Networks and Transductive Learning R Padua, VO CARVALHO, SO REZENDE 13th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA …, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Generalização no processo de mineração de regras de associação VO Carvalho Tese de Doutorado, Instituto de Ciencia Matemáticas e de Computação. USP, São, 2007 | 7 | 2007 |
Evaluating generalized association rules through objective measures. VO de Carvalho, SO Rezende, M de Castro Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 330-335, 2007 | 6 | 2007 |
An analysis on community detection and clustering algorithms on the post-processing of association rules R de Padua, LP do Carmo, SO Rezende, VO de Carvalho 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Post-processing association rules with clustering and objective measures VO CARVALHO, FF Santos, SO REZENDE 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 54-63, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
An analytical evaluation of objective measures behavior for generalized association rules VO de Carvalho, SO Rezende, M de Castro 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, 43-50, 2007 | 5 | 2007 |
Regras de Associação Generalizadas: Obtenção e Avaliação VO Carvalho, SO Rezende, M de Castro Proceedings of the II Workshop em Algoritmos e Aplicações de Mineração de …, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Aggregating interestingness measures in associative classifiers MF da Silva, VO de Carvalho Anais do XV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, 70-81, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Generalização de regras de associação utilizando conhecimento de domínio e avaliação do conhecimento generalizado VO Carvalho Universidade de São Paulo, 2007 | 4 | 2007 |
Objective Measures Ensemble in Associative Classifiers. M Dall'Agnol, VO de Carvalho ICEIS (1), 83-90, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Preprocessing data sets for association rules using community detection and clustering: a comparative study R Padua, EL Silva Jr, LP Carmo, VO Carvalho, SO Rezende XIII Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC …, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Solving the problem of selecting suitable objective measures by clustering association rules through the measures themselves VO de Carvalho, R de Padua, SO Rezende SOFSEM 2016: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 42nd International …, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |