Stefan Guthe
Stefan Guthe
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Smart hardware-accelerated volume rendering
S Roettger, S Guthe, D Weiskopf, T Ertl, W Strasser
VisSym 3, 231-238, 2003
Interactive rendering of large volume data sets
S Guthe, M Wand, J Gonser, W Straßer
IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002., 53-60, 2002
Real-time decompression and visualization of animated volume data
S Guthe, W Straßer
Proceedings Visualization, 2001. VIS'01., 349-572, 2001
Tetrahedral mesh compression with the cut-border machine
S Gumhold, S Guthe, W Straßer
Proceedings Visualization'99 (Cat. No. 99CB37067), 51-509, 1999
Advanced techniques for high-quality multi-resolution volume rendering
S Guthe, W Strasser
Computers & Graphics 28 (1), 51-58, 2004
Hierarchical visualization and compression of large volume datasets using GPU clusters.
M Strengert, M Magallón, D Weiskopf, S Guthe, T Ertl
EGPGV 4, 41-48, 2004
Hardware Accelerated Per-Pixel Displacement Mapping.
J Hirche, A Ehlert, MC Doggett, S Guthe
Graphics interface 2 (4), 2004
Rapid, detail-preserving image downscaling.
N Weber, M Waechter, SC Amend, S Guthe, M Goesele
ACM Trans. Graph. 35 (6), 205:1-205:6, 2016
High-quality unstructured volume rendering on the pc platform
S Guthe, S Roettger, A Schieber, W Strasser, T Ertl
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS conference on Graphics hardware …, 2002
Interactive lighting models and pre-integration for volume rendering on PC graphics accelerators
M Meißner, S Guthe, W Straßer
Graphics Interface 2, 209-218, 2002
Single-trial EEG classification of artifacts in videos
M Mustafa, S Guthe, M Magnor
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 9 (3), 1-15, 2012
Multiple kinect studies
Y Schröder, A Scholz, K Berger, K Ruhl, S Guthe, M Magnor
Computer Graphics 2 (4), 6, 2011
Large volume visualization of compressed time-dependent datasets on GPU clusters
M Strengert, M Magallón, D Weiskopf, S Guthe, T Ertl
Parallel Computing 31 (2), 205-219, 2005
How human am I? EEG-based evaluation of virtual characters
M Mustafa, S Guthe, JP Tauscher, M Goesele, M Magnor
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2017
The capturing of turbulent gas flows using multiple kinects
K Berger, K Ruhl, M Albers, Y Schröder, A Scholz, J Kokemüller, S Guthe, ...
2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV …, 2011
Interactive visualization of volumetric vector fields using texture based particles
S Guthe, S Gumhold, W Straßer
UNION Agency, 2002
Visibility-consistent thin surface reconstruction using multi-scale kernels
S Aroudj, P Seemann, F Langguth, S Guthe, M Goesele
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 36 (6), 1-13, 2017
Christmas tree case study: computed tomography as a tool for mastering complex real world objects with applications in computer graphics
A Kanitsar, T Theußl, L Mroz, M Srámek, AV Bartrolí, B Csébfalvi, ...
IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002., 489-492, 2002
Cysecalert: An alert generation system for cyber security events using open source intelligence data
T Riebe, T Wirth, M Bayer, P Kühn, MA Kaufhold, V Knauthe, S Guthe, ...
International Conference on Information and Communications Security, 429-446, 2021
Visualization of astronomical nebulae via distributed multi-GPU compressed sensing tomography
S Wenger, M Ament, S Guthe, D Lorenz, A Tillmann, D Weiskopf, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (12), 2188-2197, 2012
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