Emma Carolina Vieytes
Emma Carolina Vieytes
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLP. CONICET
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Mamíferos continentales del Mioceno tardío a la actualidad en la Argentina: cincuenta años de estudios
MG Vucetich, SF Vizcaíno, EC Vieytes, DH Verzi, LH Soibelzon, ...
Ameghiniana, 2007
A brief history of caviomorph rodents as told by the fossil record
MG Vucetich, M Arnal, CM Deschamps, ME Pérez, EC Vieytes
SAREM, 2015
13 The rodents from La Cantera and the early evolution of caviomorphs in South America
MG Vucetich, EC Vieytes, ME Pérez, AA Carlini
The paleontology of Gran Barranca: evolution and environmental change …, 2010
A Late Cretaceous mammal from Brazil and the first radioisotopic age for the Bauru Group
MC Castro, FJ Goin, E Ortiz-Jaureguizar, EC Vieytes, K Tsukui, ...
Royal Society Open Science 5 (5), 180482, 2018
Ontogeny and diversity of the oldest capybaras (Rodentia: Hydrochoeridae; late Miocene of Argentina)
CM Deschamps, I Olivares, EC Vieytes, MG Vucetich
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27 (3), 683-692, 2007
Adaptive diversity of incisor enamel microstructure in South American burrowing rodents (family Ctenomyidae, Caviomorpha)
EC Vieytes, CC Morgan, DH Verzi
Journal of Anatomy 211 (3), 296-302, 2007
A new early Miocene octodontoid rodent (Hystricognathi, Caviomorpha) from Patagonia (Argentina) and a reassessment of the early evolution of Octodontoidea
M Arnal, AG Kramarz, MG Vucetich, EC Vieytes
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34 (2), 397-406, 2014
Primer registro de Cardiatherium chasicoense (Rodentia, Hydrochoeridae) fuera del área pampeana (Argentina) y su valor bioestratigráfico
CM Deschamps, EC Vieytes, AI Olivares, MG Vucetich
Ameghiniana 46 (2), 295-305, 2009
Dental evolution in Neophanomys (Rodentia, Octodontidae) from the late Miocene of central Argentina
DH Verzi, EC Vieytes, CI Montalvo
Geobios 44 (6), 621-633, 2011
Dental evolution in Xenodontomys and first notice on secondary acquisition of radial enamel in rodents (Rodentia, Caviomorpha, Octodontidae)
DH Verzi, EC Vieytes, CI Montalvo
Geobios 37 (6), 795-806, 2004
Craniodental and forelimb specializations for digging in the South American subterranean rodent Ctenomys (Hystricomorpha, Ctenomyidae)
CC Morgan, DH Verzi, AI Olivares, EC Vieytes
Mammalian Biology 87, 118-124, 2017
When xenarthrans had enamel: insights on the evolution of their hypsodonty and paleontological support for independent evolution in armadillos
MR Ciancio, EC Vieytes, AA Carlini
Naturwissenschaften 101, 715-725, 2014
First Mesozoic mammal from Chile: The southernmost record of a Late Cretaceous gondwanatherian
FJ Goin, AG Martinelli, S Soto Acuña, EC Vieytes, L Manriquez, ...
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, 2020
Unexpected primitive rodents in the Quaternary of Argentina
MG Vucetich, EC Vieytes, DH Verzi, JI Noriega, EP Tonni
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 20 (1-2), 57-64, 2005
A middle Miocene primitive octodontoid rodent and its bearing on the early evolutionary history of the Octodontoidea
MG Vucetich, EC Vieytes
Enigmatic mammal from the Paleogene of Perú
FJ Goin, EC Vieytes, MG Vucetich, AA Carlini, M Bond
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Science Series 40, 145-153, 2004
New metatherian mammal from the early Eocene of Antarctica
FJ Goin, EC Vieytes, JN Gelfo, L Chornogubsky, AN Zimicz, MA Reguero
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 27 (1), 17-36, 2020
Late Miocene capybaras from Argentina: Skull anatomy, taxonomy, evolution, and biochronology
MG Vucetich, CM Deschamps, EC Vieytes, CI Montalvo
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 59 (3), 517-535, 2012
Diversity of craniomandibular morphology in caviomorph rodents: an overview of macroevolutionary and functional patterns
A Alvarez, EC Vieytes, F Becerra, AI Olivares, AI Echeverría, DH Verzi, ...
SAREM, 2015
Microestructura del esmalte de roedores Hystricognathi sudamericanos fósiles y vivientes: significado morfofuncional y filogenético
EC Vieytes, MG Vucetich, W von Koenigswald
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, 2003
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