Ulisses Brisolara Corrêa
Ulisses Brisolara Corrêa
Otros nombresUlisses B. Corrêa, Ulisses Corrêa, U. B. Corrêa
Computer Science Professor @ UFPel | Researcher @ H2IA/UFPel | Brazil
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Evaluation of the impact of code refactoring on embedded software efficiency
WGP da Silva, L Brisolara, UB Corrêa, L Carro
I Workshop de Sistemas Embarcados - SBRC, 145-150, 2010
Overview of the IDPT Task on Irony Detection in Portuguese at IberLEF 2021
UB Corrêa, L Coelho, L Santos, LA de Freitas
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 67, 269-276, 2021
Towards estimating physical properties of embedded systems using software quality metrics
UB Corrêa, L Lamb, L Carro, L Brisolara, J Mattos
Computer and Information Technology (CIT), 2010 IEEE 10th International …, 2010
Exploring BERT for Aspect Extraction in Portuguese Language
E Lopes, U Corrêa, L Freitas
The International FLAIRS Conference 34 (1), 1, 2021
Evaluation of Failures Masking Across the Software Stack
T Santini, P Rech, A Sartor, UB Corrêa, L Carro, FR Wagner
Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at …, 2015
Multi-Task reinforcement learning: An hybrid A3C domain approach
MAF Birck, UB Corrêa, P Ballester, V Andersson, RM Araújo
ENIAC - Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, 507-514, 2017
Análise de sentimento baseada em aspectos usando aprendizado profundo: uma proposta aplicada à língua portuguesa
UB Corrêa
Universidade Federal de Pelotas, 2021
AndroProf: A Profiling Tool for the Android Platform
AL Sartor, UB Corrêa, ACS Beck
Computing System Engineering (SBESC), Brazilian Symposium on, 2013
ABSAPT 2022 at IberLEF: Overview of the Task on Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis in Portuguese
FLV da Silva, GS Xavier, HM Mensenburg, RF Rodrigues, LP dos Santos, ...
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 69, 199-205, 2022
SpreadOut: A Kernel Weight Initializer for Convolutional Neural Networks
MI Hertzog, UB Corrêa, RM Araujo
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2019
Exploring BERT for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis in Portuguese Language
ÉP Lopes, L Freitas, G Gomes, G Lemos, LO Hammes, UB Corrêa
The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings 35, 2022
A Word Embedding Analysis towards Ontology Enrichment
M Poetsch, UB Correa, LA de Freitas
Research in Computing Science 148, 153-164, 2019
Assessing the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks on Classifying Disorders in Apple Tree Leaves
P Ballester, UB Correa, M Birck, R Araujo
Computational Neuroscience. LAWCN 2017. Communications in Computer and …, 2017
Towards Graffiti Classification in Weakly Labeled Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
GR Munsberg, PL Ballester, MF Birck, UB Correa, VO Andersson, ...
Computational Neuroscience. LAWCN 2017. Communications in Computer and …, 2017
GABSA-PT: Graph Neural Networks for Aspect-level Sentiment Analysis in Portuguese Language
G Gomes, U Corrêa, L Freitas
The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings 36, 2023
Estimador de Potência e Atraso em Standard-Cells Utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais
DS Guimarães Jr, UB CORRÊA, L CARRO, R Reis
IBERCHIP Workshop - IWS'2010, 2010
Tatubot-sistema robótico de inspecao para linhas de distribuicao eletrica subterraneas
S Botelho, V Oliveira, ND Fo, E Estrada
Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Elétricos, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, Abril 2008, 2008
Overview of ABSAPT at IberLEF 2024: Overview of the Task on Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis in Portuguese
AT Bender, GA Gomes, EP Lopes, RM Araujo, LA de Freitas, UB Corrêa
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 73, 315-322, 2024
AE-CharCNN: Char-Level Convolutional Neural Networks for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
UB Corrêa, RM Araújo
Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 124-135, 2019
Java Code Analyser for Estimating Embedded Software Efficiency
R Pereira, S Goncalves, L Brisolara, JCB Mattos, UB Corrêa
Computing System Engineering (SBESC), 2011 Brazilian Symposium on, 8-14, 2011
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