pramod sharma
pramod sharma
Principal Applied Scientist at Microsoft AI
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Plants having potential antidiabetic activity: a review
A Chauhan, PK Sharma, P Srivastava, N Kumar, R Dudhe
Der Pharmacia Lettre 2 (3), 369-387, 2010
Performance of different passive techniques for cooling of buildings in arid regions
NM Nahar, P Sharma, MM Purohit
Building and Environment 38 (1), 109-116, 2003
ParDOCK: an all atom energy based Monte Carlo docking protocol for protein-ligand complexes
A Gupta, A Gandhimathi, P Sharma, B Jayaram
Protein and peptide letters 14 (7), 632-646, 2007
A study for development of emission factors for trace gases and carbonaceous particulate species from in situ burning of wheat straw in agricultural fields in India
S Sahai, C Sharma, DP Singh, CK Dixit, N Singh, P Sharma, K Singh, ...
Atmospheric Environment 41 (39), 9173-9186, 2007
Studies on solar passive cooling techniques for arid areas
NM Nahar, P Sharma, MM Purohit
Energy Conversion and Management 40 (1), 89-95, 1999
Recent advancement of triazole derivatives and their biological significance.
NS Neha Singhal, PK Sharma, RD Rupesh Dudhe, NK Nitin Kumar
Methane and nitrous oxide emission from bovine manure management practices in India
PK Gupta, AK Jha, S Koul, P Sharma, V Pradhan, V Gupta, C Sharma, ...
Environmental Pollution 146 (1), 219-224, 2007
Nanoemulsions: a review on various pharmaceutical application
N Thakur, G Garg, PK Sharma, N Kumar
Global Journal of Pharmacology 6 (3), 222-225, 2012
Nanospheres: a novel approach for targeted drug delivery system
A Singh, G Garg, PK Sharma
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research 5 (3 …, 2010
Pharmacognostical evaluation of Grewia asiatica fruits.
MK Gupta, PK Sharma, SH Ansari, RL Rekha Lagarkha
Matrix factorizations at scale: A comparison of scientific data analytics in Spark and C+ MPI using three case studies
A Gittens, A Devarakonda, E Racah, M Ringenburg, L Gerhardt, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 204-213, 2016
Cytokines, angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix degradation are augmented by oxidative stress in endometriosis
A Nanda, K Thangapandi, P Banerjee, M Dutta, T Wangdi, P Sharma, ...
Annals of laboratory medicine 40 (5), 390-397, 2020
Unsupervised incremental learning for improved object detection in a video
P Sharma, C Huang, R Nevatia
2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 3298-3305, 2012
Role of PPARg2 transcription factor in thiazolidinedione-induced insulin sensitization
N Saraf, PK Sharma, SC Mondal, VK Garg, AK Singh
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 64 (2), 161-171, 2012
Phase Change Materials: Technology Status and Potential Defence Applications.
R Kumar, MK Misra, R Kumar, D Gupta, PK Sharma, BB Tak, SR Meena
Defence science journal 61 (6), 2011
3-Hydroxy-2-(substituted phenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one derivatives-synthesis, spectral characterization and pharmacological screening
S Gupta, N Kumar, S Kumar, R Dudhe, P Sharma
IJT A 7, 1-8, 2012
Negative surface energy—clearing up confusion
A Mathur, P Sharma, RC Cammarata
Nature Materials 4 (3), 186-186, 2005
Standard splenic volume estimation in north Indian adult population: Using 3d reconstruction of abdominal CT scan images
A Asghar, D Agrawal, SM Yunus, PK Sharma, SHH Zaidi, A Sinha
Anatomy research international 2011 (1), 707325, 2011
Antioxidant activity of the successive extracts of Grewia asiatica leaves.
MK Gupta, RL Rekha Lagarkha, DK Sharma, PK Sharma, ...
Disabilities in multibacillary leprosy patients: before, during and after multidrug therapy.
P Sharma, HK Kar, KR Beena, H Kaur, R Narayan
Indian journal of leprosy 68 (2), 127-136, 1996
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