Florian Jansen
Florian Jansen
Professor of Landscape ecology, University of Rostock
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Landschaftsökologische Moorkunde
M Succow, H Joosten
Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2001
Global trait–environment relationships of plant communities
H Bruelheide, J Dengler, O Purschke, J Lenoir, B Jiménez-Alfaro, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (12), 1906-1917, 2018
M De Cáceres, F Jansen, N Dell
Functions to assess the strength and significance of relationships of …, 2012
The Global Index of Vegetation‐Plot Databases (GIVD): a new resource for vegetation science
J Dengler, F Jansen, F Glöckler, RK Peet, M De Cáceres, M Chytrý, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 22 (4), 582-597, 2011
European Vegetation Archive (EVA): an integrated database of European vegetation plots
M Chytrý, SM Hennekens, B Jiménez‐Alfaro, I Knollová, J Dengler, ...
Applied vegetation science 19 (1), 173-180, 2016
European red list of habitats part 2. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats
JAM Janssen, JS Rodwell, M García Criado, S Gubbay, T Haynes, A Nieto, ...
European Union, 2016
Verzeichnis und Rote Liste der Pflanzengesellschaften Deutschlands: mit Datenservice auf CD-ROM; Referate und Ergebnisse des gleichnamigen Fachsymposiums in Bonn vom 30.06.-02 …
E Rennwald, Bundesamt für Naturschutz Deutschland
Bundesamt für Naturschutz, 2000
EUNIS Habitat Classification: Expert system, characteristic species combinations and distribution maps of European habitats
M Chytrý, L Tichý, SM Hennekens, I Knollová, JAM Janssen, JS Rodwell, ...
Applied Vegetation Science 23 (4), 648-675, 2020
What's on the horizon for macroecology?
J Beck, L Ballesteros‐Mejia, CM Buchmann, J Dengler, SA Fritz, B Gruber, ...
Ecography 35 (8), 673-683, 2012
Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung
LU Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Weissdorn-Verlag, 2004
sPlot–A new tool for global vegetation analyses
H Bruelheide, J Dengler, B Jiménez‐Alfaro, O Purschke, SM Hennekens, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 30 (2), 161-186, 2019
How to model species responses along ecological gradients–H uisman–O lff–F resco models revisited
F Jansen, J Oksanen
Journal of Vegetation Science 24 (6), 1108-1117, 2013
A comparative framework for broad‐scale plot‐based vegetation classification
M De Cáceres, M Chytrý, E Agrillo, F Attorre, Z Botta‐Dukát, J Capelo, ...
Applied Vegetation Science 18 (4), 543-560, 2015
Alien plant invasions in European woodlands
V Wagner, M Chytrý, B Jiménez‐Alfaro, J Pergl, S Hennekens, I Biurrun, ...
Diversity and distributions 23 (9), 969-981, 2017
Waldartenlisten der Farn-und Blütenpflanzen, Moose und Flechten Deutschlands
WU Kriebitzsch, J Ewald
BfN, 2011
Plant names in vegetation databases–a neglected source of bias
F Jansen, J Dengler
Journal of Vegetation Science 21 (6), 1179-1186, 2010
Formalized classification of European fen vegetation at the alliance level
T Peterka, M Hájek, M Jiroušek, B Jiménez‐Alfaro, L Aunina, A Bergamini, ...
Applied Vegetation Science 20 (1), 124-142, 2017
Rewetting does not return drained fen peatlands to their old selves
J Kreyling, F Tanneberger, F Jansen, S Van Der Linden, C Aggenbach, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 5693, 2021
Effective biodiversity monitoring needs a culture of integration
HS Kühl, DE Bowler, L Bösch, H Bruelheide, J Dauber, D Eichenberg, ...
One Earth 3 (4), 462-474, 2020
New ideas for modern phytosociological monographs
J Dengler, C Berg, F Jansen
Annali di botanica 5, 195-213, 2005
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Artículos 1–20