Lesniewska D
Lesniewska D
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Experimental analysis of shear zone patterns in cohesionless for earth pressure problems using particle image velocimetry
M Niedostatkiewicz, D Lesniewska, J Tejchman
Strain 47, 218-231, 2011
Discrete simulations of shear zone patterning in sand in earth pressure problems of a retaining wall
J Tejchman, J Kozicki, D Leśniewska
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (7-8), 1191-1209, 2011
Failure mechanisms for flood defence structures
W Allsop, A Kortenhaus, M Morris, FA Buijs, PJ Visser, WLA ter Horst, ...
HR Wallingford, 2008
Vermiculate artefacts in image analysis of granular materials
S Stanier, J Dijkstra, D Leśniewska, J Hambleton, D White, DM Wood
Computers and Geotechnics 72, 100-113, 2016
Observations of stresses and strains in a granular material
D Lesniewska, DM Wood
Journal of engineering mechanics 135 (9), 1038-1054, 2009
Stresses in granular materials
D Muir Wood, D Leśniewska
Granular Matter 13, 395-415, 2011
Failure modes and bearing capacity of reinforced soil retaining walls
A Sawicki, D Les̀niewska
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 5 (1), 29-44, 1987
DEM analysis of micro-structural events within granular shear zones under passive earth pressure conditions
M Nitka, J Tejchman, J Kozicki, D Leśniewska
Granular Matter 17, 325-343, 2015
Limit analysis of cohesive slopes reinforced with geotextiles
A Sawicki, D Lesniewska
Computers and Geotechnics 7 (1-2), 53-66, 1989
Limit equilibrium approach to study the evolution of shear band systems in soils
D Leśniewska, Z Mróz
Geotechnique 50 (5), 521-536, 2000
Photoelastic and photographic study of a granular material
D Lesniewska, D Muir Wood
Geotechnique 61 (7), 605-611, 2011
Study of evolution of shear band systems in sand retained by flexible wall
D Leśniewska, Z Mróz
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2001
Stability of fabric reinforced cohesive soil slopes
A Sawicki, D Leśniewska
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 10 (2), 125-146, 1991
Experimental study on shear localisation in granular materials within combined strain and stress field
D Leśniewska, M Niedostatkiewicz, J Tejchman
Strain 48 (5), 430-444, 2012
Analysis of shear band pattern formation in soil
D Leśniewska
IBW PAN, 2000
Contact force network evolution in active earth pressure state of granular materials: photo-elastic tests and DEM
D Leśniewska, M Nitka, J Tejchman, M Pietrzak
Granular Matter 22, 1-31, 2020
Grunt zbrojony jako materiał kompozytowy: podstawy projektowania konstrukcji
D Leśniewska, M Kulczykowski
Wydaw. IBW PAN, 2001
Measured and predicted stresses and bearing capacity of a full scale slope reinforced with nails
A Sawicki, D Lesniewska, M Kulczykowski
Soils and foundations 28 (4), 47-56, 1988
Limit analysis of reinforced slopes
A Sawicki, D Les̀niewska
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 7 (3), 203-220, 1988
Failure evolution in granular material retained by rigid wall in active mode
M Pietrzak, D Leśniewska
Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica 34 (4), 1-9, 2012
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