Ole-Kenneth Nielsen
Ole-Kenneth Nielsen
Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University
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High resolution multi-scale air quality modelling for all streets in Denmark
SS Jensen, M Ketzel, T Becker, J Christensen, J Brandt, M Plejdrup, ...
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 52, 322-339, 2017
Annual Danish informative inventory report to UNECE
OK Nielsen, MS Plejdrup, M Winther, MH Mikkelsen
and no.: Scientific Report from DCE–Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 2019
The influence of residential wood combustion on the concentrations of PM2.5 in four Nordic cities
J Kukkonen, S López-Aparicio, D Segersson, C Geels, L Kangas, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (7), 4333-4365, 2020
Denmark's National Inventory Report 2014
OK Nielsen, MS Plejdrup, M Winther, M Nielsen, S Gyldenkærne, ...
Emission Inventories 2014, 1990
Spatial emission modelling for residential wood combustion in Denmark
MS Plejdrup, OK Nielsen, J Brandt
Atmospheric Environment 144, 389-396, 2016
Denmark's National Inventory Report 2020: Emission Inventories 1990-2018-Submitted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol
OK Nielsen, MS Plejdrup, M Winther, M Nielsen, S Gyldenkærne, ...
Aarhus University, DCE-Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 2020
EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2016
C Trozzi, OK Nielsen, K Hjelgaard, J Sully, M Woodfield
European Environment Agency, 2016
Modelling ultrafine particle number concentrations at address resolution in Denmark from 1979 to 2018-Part 2: Local and street scale modelling and evaluation
M Ketzel, LM Frohn, JH Christensen, J Brandt, A Massling, C Andersen, ...
Atmospheric Environment 264, 118633, 2021
Danish emission inventories for stationary combustion plants
M Nielsen, OK Nielsen, M Plejdrup, K Hjelgaard
and no.: NERI Technical Report, 2010
Emissions from decentralised CHP plants 2007-Energinet. dk Environmental project no. 07/1882. Project report 5-Emission factors and emission inventory for decentralised CHP …
M Nielsen, OK Nielsen, M Thomsen
Modelling ultrafine particle number concentrations at address resolution in Denmark from 1979-2018–Part 1: regional and urban scale modelling and evaluation
LM Frohn, M Ketzel, JH Christensen, J Brandt, U Im, A Massling, ...
Atmospheric Environment 264, 118631, 2021
Denmark's National Inventory Report 2008: Emission Inventories 1990-2006-Submitted under the United Nations Framework onvention on Climate Change
OK Nielsen, E Lyck, MH Mikkelsen, L Hoffmann, S Gyldenkærne, ...
National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, 2008
Fuel use and emissions from non-road machinery in Denmark from 1985-2004-and projections from 2005-2030
M Winther, OK Nielsen
Spatial distribution of residential wood combustion emissions in the Nordic countries: How well national inventories represent local emissions?
VV Paunu, N Karvosenoja, D Segersson, S López-Aparicio, OK Nielsen, ...
Atmospheric Environment 264, 118712, 2021
Evaluation of multidecadal high-resolution atmospheric chemistry-transport modelling for exposure assessments in the continental Nordic countries
LM Frohn, C Geels, C Andersen, C Andersson, C Bennet, JH Christensen, ...
Atmospheric Environment 290, 119334, 2022
EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2013. Technical guidance to prepare national emission inventories
OK Nielsen
Contributions of Nordic anthropogenic emissions on air pollution and premature mortality over the Nordic region and the Arctic
U Im, JH Christensen, OK Nielsen, M Sand, R Makkonen, C Geels, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (20), 12975-12992, 2019
A nitrogen budget for Denmark; developments between 1990 and 2010, and prospects for the future
NJ Hutchings, OK Nielsen, T Dalgaard, MH Mikkelsen, CD Børgesen, ...
Environmental Research Letters 9 (11), 115012, 2014
Denmark's National Inventory Report 2015 and 2016: Emission Inventories 1990-2014-Submitted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol
OK Nielsen, MS Plejdrup, M Winther, M Nielsen, S Gyldenkærne, ...
DCE-Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, 2016
Monte Carlo (Tier 2) uncertainty analysis of Danish Greenhouse gas emission inventory
P Fauser, PB Sørensen, M Nielsen, M Winther, MS Plejdrup, L Hoffmann, ...
Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management 1 (3-4), 145-160, 2011
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