Luke Dodd
Luke Dodd
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Response of northern bats (Myotis septentrionalis) to prescribed fires in eastern Kentucky forests
MJ Lacki, DR Cox, LE Dodd, MB Dickinson
Journal of Mammalogy 90 (5), 1165-1175, 2009
Forest structure affects trophic linkages: how silvicultural disturbance impacts bats and their insect prey
LE Dodd, MJ Lacki, ER Britzke, DA Buehler, PD Keyser, JL Larkin, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 267, 262-270, 2012
Identification of prey of Myotis septentrionalis using DNA-based techniques
LE Dodd, EG Chapman, JD Harwood, MJ Lacki, LK Rieske
Journal of Mammalogy 93 (4), 1119-1128, 2012
Variation in moth occurrence and implications for foraging habitat of Ozark big-eared bats
LE Dodd, MJ Lacki, LK Rieske
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (11), 3866-3872, 2008
Prey consumption of insectivorous bats in coniferous forests of north-central Idaho
MJ Lacki, JS Johnson, LE Dodd, MD Baker
Northwest Science 81 (3), 199-205, 2007
Migratory and winter activity of bats in Yellowstone National Park
JS Johnson, JJ Treanor, MJ Lacki, MD Baker, GA Falxa, LE Dodd, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 98 (1), 211-221, 2017
Temporal changes in body mass and body condition of cave-hibernating bats during staging and swarming
MJ Lacki, LE Dodd, RS Toomey, SC Thomas, ZL Couch, BS Nichols
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 6 (2), 360-370, 2015
Diet and foraging behavior of Corynorhinus in eastern North America
MJ Lacki, LE Dodd
Conservation and management of eastern big-eared bats: a symposium. Gen …, 2011
Relationships among burn severity, forest canopy structure and bat activity from spring burns in oak–hickory forests
MJ Lacki, LE Dodd, NS Skowronski, MB Dickinson, LK Rieske
International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2017
Prey consumed by Corynorhinus townsendii ingens in the Ozark Mountain region
LE Dodd, MJ Lacki
Acta Chiropterologica 9 (2), 451-461, 2007
Food Habits of Myotis leibii along a Forested Ridgetop in West Virginia
JS Johnson, LE Dodd, JD Kiser, TS Peterson, KS Watrous
Northeastern Naturalist 19 (4), 665-672, 2012
Evaluating bat boxes: design and placement alter bioenergetic costs and overheating risk
RD Crawford, LE Dodd, FE Tillman, JM O’Keefe
Conservation physiology 10 (1), coac027, 2022
A Review of Camera-Trapping Methodology for Eastern Spotted Skunks
CG Dukes, DS Jachowski, SN Harris, LE Dodd, AJ Edelman, SH LaRose, ...
Spatial and temporal variation in the diet of the eastern red bat in Kentucky
CR Hayes, M Gumbert, JO Whitaker, CL Elliott, LE Dodd
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 79 (1), 12-17, 2019
Prey consumed by bats across central Appalachia prior to detection of white-nose syndrome
LE Dodd
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 75 (1), 85-93, 2015
Habitat associations of Lepidoptera in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas
LE Dodd, MJ Lacki, LK Rieske
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 271-284, 2011
Prey Size and Dietary Niche of Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii)
LE Dodd, MJ Lacki, JS Johnson, LK Rieske
Southeastern Naturalist 14 (4), 685-696, 2015
Forest disturbance affects insect prey and the activity of bats in deciduous forests
LE Dodd
University of Kentucky, 2010
Using LiDAR to link forest canopy structure with bat activity and insect occurrence: preliminary findings
LE Dodd, NS Skowronski, MB Dickinson, MJ Lacki, LK Rieske
Optimization of Camera-Trap Surveys for Eastern Spotted Skunks and Other Meso-Mammals in the Appalachian Foothills
CR Hayes, K Watson, LE Dodd
Southeastern Naturalist 20 (sp11), 252-261, 2021
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