Andrew Miller
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Hawk: The blockchain model of cryptography and privacy-preserving smart contracts
A Kosba, A Miller, E Shi, Z Wen, C Papamanthou
2016 IEEE symposium on security and privacy (SP), 839-858, 2016
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies: a comprehensive introduction
A Narayanan
Princeton University Press, 2016
Sok: Research perspectives and challenges for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies
J Bonneau, A Miller, J Clark, A Narayanan, JA Kroll, EW Felten
2015 IEEE symposium on security and privacy, 104-121, 2015
On Scaling Decentralized Blockchains: (A Position Paper)
K Croman, C Decker, I Eyal, AE Gencer, A Juels, A Kosba, A Miller, ...
International conference on financial cryptography and data security, 106-125, 2016
Vizwiz: nearly real-time answers to visual questions
JP Bigham, C Jayant, H Ji, G Little, A Miller, RC Miller, R Miller, ...
Proceedings of the 23nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 2010
The honey badger of BFT protocols
A Miller, Y Xia, K Croman, E Shi, D Song
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications …, 2016
Enabling blockchain innovations with pegged sidechains
A Back, M Corallo, L Dashjr, M Friedenbach, G Maxwell, A Miller, ...
URL: http://www. opensciencereview. com/papers/123/enablingblockchain …, 2014
Step by step towards creating a safe smart contract: Lessons and insights from a cryptocurrency lab
K Delmolino, M Arnett, A Kosba, A Miller, E Shi
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2016 International Workshops …, 2016
Stubborn mining: Generalizing selfish mining and combining with an eclipse attack
K Nayak, S Kumar, A Miller, E Shi
2016 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 305-320, 2016
Mixcoin: Anonymity for bitcoin with accountable mixes
J Bonneau, A Narayanan, A Miller, J Clark, JA Kroll, EW Felten
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 18th International Conference, FC …, 2014
Ekiden: A platform for confidentiality-preserving, trustworthy, and performant smart contracts
R Cheng, F Zhang, J Kos, W He, N Hynes, N Johnson, A Juels, A Miller, ...
2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 185-200, 2019
Sprites and state channels: Payment networks that go faster than lightning
A Miller, I Bentov, S Bakshi, R Kumaresan, P McCorry
International conference on financial cryptography and data security, 508-526, 2019
Permacoin: Repurposing bitcoin work for data preservation
A Miller, A Juels, E Shi, B Parno, J Katz
2014 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 475-490, 2014
An empirical analysis of traceability in the monero blockchain
M Möser, K Soska, E Heilman, K Lee, H Heffan, S Srivastava, K Hogan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.04299, 2017
Measuring ethereum network peers
SK Kim, Z Ma, S Murali, J Mason, A Miller, M Bailey
Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference 2018, 91-104, 2018
Chainlink 2.0: Next steps in the evolution of decentralized oracle networks
L Breidenbach, C Cachin, B Chan, A Coventry, S Ellis, A Juels, ...
Chainlink Labs 1, 1-136, 2021
Design choices for central bank digital currency: Policy and technical considerations
S Allen, S Čapkun, I Eyal, G Fanti, BA Ford, J Grimmelmann, A Juels, ...
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
Non-interactive proofs of proof-of-work
A Kiayias, A Miller, D Zindros
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 24th International Conference, FC …, 2020
The wiimote and beyond: Spatially convenient devices for 3d user interfaces
CA Wingrave, B Williamson, PD Varcholik, J Rose, A Miller, ...
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 30 (2), 71-85, 2009
Nonoutsourceable scratch-off puzzles to discourage bitcoin mining coalitions
A Miller, A Kosba, J Katz, E Shi
Proceedings of the 22Nd acm sigsac conference on computer and communications …, 2015
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