Raquel Asencio
Raquel Asencio
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How organizational identity affects team functioning: The identity instrumentality hypothesis
JR Mesmer-Magnus, R Asencio, PW Seely, LA DeChurch
Journal of Management 44 (4), 1530-1550, 2018
Charting a course for collaboration: a multiteam perspective
R Asencio, DR Carter, LA DeChurch, SJ Zaccaro, SM Fiore
Translational behavioral medicine 2 (4), 487-494, 2012
Sequential analysis of processes
MS Poole, N Lambert, T Murase, R Asencio, J McDonald
The Sage handbook of process organizational studies, 254-270, 2016
Conflict, Trust, and Cohesion: Examining Affective and Attitudinal Factors in Science Teams
SM Fiore, DR Carter, R Asencio
Team Cohesion: Advances in Psychological Theory, Methods and Practice, 271-301, 2015
Space Exploration Illuminates the Next Frontier for Teams Research
JR Mesmer-Magnus, DR Carter, R Asencio, LA DeChurch
Group & Organization Management 41 (5), 595-628, 2016
Solidarity in STEM: How Gender Composition Affects Women’s Experience in Work Teams
AA Niler, R Asencio, LA DeChurch
Sex Roles 82 (3-4), 142-154, 2020
Spilling tea at the water cooler: A meta-analysis of the literature on workplace gossip
A Wax, WA Rodriguez, R Asencio
Organizational Psychology Review 12 (4), 453-506, 2022
Assessing Collaboration Within and Between Teams: A Multiteam Systems Perspective
R Asencio, LA DeChurch
Innovative Assessment of Collaboration, 37-50, 2017
Staying Apart to Work Better Together: Team Structure in Cross-Functional Teams
LE Larson, AM Harris-Watson, DR Carter, R Asencio, LA DeChurch, ...
Academy of Management Discoveries 9 (3), 320-338, 2023
Best Practices for Researchers Working in Multiteam Systems
DR Carter, R Asencio, HM Trainer, LA DeChurch, R Kanfer, SJ Zaccaro
Strategies for Team Science Success: Handbook of Evidence-Based Principles …, 2019
Getting" there": understanding how innovation and entrepreneurship become part of engineering education
E Nilsen, EF Morrison, R Asencio, S Hutcheson
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017
Little Teams, Big Data: Big Data Provides New Opportunities for Teams Theory
DR Carter, R Asencio, A Wax, LA DeChurch, NS Contractor
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 8 (4), 550-555, 2015
Team task switching A conceptual framework for understanding functional work shifts
JD McDonald, LA DeChurch, R Asencio, DR Carter, JR Mesmer-Magnus, ...
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 59 (1 …, 2015
Thinking big about big data
A Wax, R Asencio, DR Carter
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 8 (4), 545-550, 2015
Boundary Transitions in Dynamic Teamwork
R Asencio, JR Mesmer-Magnus, LA DeChurch, N Contractor
Academy of Management Review, amr. 2019.0471, 2024
Bridging the boundary without sinking the team: Communication, identification, and creativity in multiteam systems.
R Asencio, T Murase, B Chollet, LA DeChurch, SJ Zaccaro
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 27 (1), 28, 2023
From teams in organizations to organizing in teams
LA DeChurch, DR Carter, R Asencio, A Wax, PW Seely, K Dalrymple, ...
The SAGE Handbook of Industrial, Work & Organizational Psychology 2, 307-332, 2018
Sequential Synchronization Analysis
T Murase, MS Poole, R Asencio, J McDonald
Group Processes, 119-144, 2017
Cross-Disciplinary Team Design, Communication Overload, and Innovation
LE Larson, AM Harris, R Asencio, DR Carter, LA DeChurch, R Kanfer, ...
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 21054, 2020
How multi-teaming affects individuals and teams
RA Hodge
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016
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