Sharma Chakravarthy
Sharma Chakravarthy
professor of computer science, The University of Texas at Arlington
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Composite events for active databases: Semantics, contexts and detection
S Chakravarthy, V Krishnaprasad, E Anwar, SK Kim
VLDB 94, 606-617, 1994
Snoop: An expressive event specification language for active databases
S Chakravarthy, D Mishra
Data & Knowledge Engineering 14 (1), 1-26, 1994
The HiPAC project: Combining active databases and timing constraints
U Dayal, B Blaustein, A Buchmann, U Chakravarthy, M Hsu, R Ledin, ...
ACM Sigmod Record 17 (1), 51-70, 1988
Logic-Based Approach to Semantic Query Optimization
JM Upen S. Chakravarthy, John Grant
ACM Trans. Database Systems 15 (1), 162-207, 1990
Active database management systems
U Dayal
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Data and Knowledge …, 1988
HiPAC: A research project in active, time-constrained database management
S Chakravarthy
Technical Report XAIT-89-02, Xerox Advanced Information Technology, 4 …, 1989
Stream data processing: a quality of service perspective: modeling, scheduling, load shedding, and complex event processing
S Chakravarthy, Q Jiang
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
A new perspective on rule support for object-oriented databases
E Anwar, L Maugis, S Chakravarthy
ACM SIGMOD Record 22 (2), 99-108, 1993
SnoopIB: Interval-based event specification and detection for active databases
R Adaikkalavan, S Chakravarthy
Data & Knowledge Engineering 59 (1), 139-165, 2006
Design of sentinel: an object-oriented dmbs with event-based rules
S Chakravarthy, E Anwar, L Maugis, D Mishra
Information and Software Technology 36 (9), 555-568, 1994
Foundations of semantic query optimization for deductive databases
US Chakravarthy, J Grant, J Minker
Foundations of deductive databases and logic programming, 243-273, 1988
Rule management and evaluation: An active DBMS perspective
S Chakravarthy
ACM SIGMOD Record 18 (3), 20-28, 1989
Multiple Query Processing in Deductive Databases using Query Graphs.
US Chakravarthy, J Minker
VLDB 86, 384-391, 1986
An objective function for vertically partitioning relations in distributed databases and its analysis
S Chakravarthy, J Muthuraj, R Varadarajan, SB Navathe
Distributed and parallel databases 2, 183-207, 1994
Situation monitoring for active databases
A Rosenthal, US Chakravarthy, B Blaustein, J Blakely
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Very large data bases …, 1989
Semantic query optimization in expert systems and database systems
US Chakravarthy, DH Fishman, J Minker
Proceedings from the first international workshop on Expert database systems …, 1986
Anatomy of a Mudular Multiple Query Optimizer.
A Rosenthal, US Chakravarthy
VLDB, 230-239, 1988
Real-time transaction scheduling: A cost conscious approach
D Hong, T Johnson, S Chakravarthy
ACM SIGMOD Record 22 (2), 197-206, 1993
A parallel procedure for the detection of dominant points on a digital curve
PV Sankar, CU Sharma
Computer Graphics and Image Processing 7 (3), 403-412, 1978
ECA rule integration into an OODBMS: architecture and implementation
S Chakravarthy, V Krishnaprasad, Z Tamizuddin, RH Badani
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Data Engineering …, 1995
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20