Oscar de Bruijn
Oscar de Bruijn
Manchester Business School
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Measuring symbol and icon characteristics: Norms for concreteness, complexity, meaningfulness, familiarity, and semantic distance for 239 symbols
SJP McDougall, MB Curry, O De Bruijn
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 31 (3), 487-519, 1999
Exploring the effects of icon characteristics on user performance: The role of icon concreteness, complexity, and distinctiveness.
SJP McDougall, O De Bruijn, MB Curry
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 6 (4), 291, 2000
Rapid serial visual presentation: a space-time trade-off in information presentation
O De Bruijn, R Spence
Advanced visual interfaces, 189-192, 2000
RSVP browser: Web browsing on small screen devices
O De Bruijn, R Spence, MY Chong
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6, 245-252, 2002
The effects of visual information on users' mental models: An evaluation of Pathfinder analysis as a measure of icon usability
SJP McDougall, MB Curry, O De Bruijn
International journal of cognitive ergonomics 5 (1), 59-84, 2001
Towards understanding socially influenced vaccination decision making: An integrated model of multiple criteria belief modelling and social network analysis
L Ni, Y Chen, O de Brujin
European Journal of Operational Research 293 (1), 276-289, 2021
User engagement by user-centred design in e-Health
A Sutcliffe, S Thew, O De Bruijn, I Buchan, P Jarvis, J McNaught, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2010
Little fingers on the tabletop: A usability evaluation in the kindergarten
EI Mansor, A De Angeli, O De Bruijn
2008 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human …, 2008
A new framework for theory-based interaction design applied to serendipitous information retrieval
O De Bruijn, R Spence
ACM transactions on computer-human interaction (TOCHI) 15 (1), 1-38, 2008
Serendipity within a ubiquitous computing environment: A case for opportunistic browsing
O De Bruijn, R Spence
International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 362-369, 2001
Requirements engineering for e-science: experiences in epidemiology
S Thew, A Sutcliffe, R Procter, O De Bruijn, J McNaught, CC Venters, ...
IEEE software 26 (1), 80-87, 2008
Living memory: agent-based information management for connected local communities
K Stathis, O De Bruijn, S Macedo
Interacting with Computers 14 (6), 663-688, 2002
Facebook helps: A case study of cross-cultural social networking and social capital
Y Jiang, O De Bruijn
Information, Communication & Society 17 (6), 732-749, 2014
Word superiority over isolated letters: The neglected role of flanking mask contours.
TR Jordan, O De Bruijn
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 19 (3), 549, 1993
The fantasy table
EI Mansor, A De Angeli, O De Bruijn
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Interaction Design and …, 2009
Evaluating user reaction to character agent mediated displays using eye-tracking technology
M Witkowski, Y Arafa, O de Bruijn
Proceedings AISB-01 Symposium on Information Agents for Electronic Commerce …, 2001
The perception of cultural differences in online self-presentation
Y Jiang, O De Bruijn, A De Angeli
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2009: 12th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2009
A comparison of static and moving presentation modes for image collections
K Cooper, O De Bruijn, R Spence, M Witkowski
Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 381-388, 2006
Image presentation and control
R Spence, O De Bruijn
US Patent App. 10/094,959, 2002
Developing visualization-based decision support tools for epidemiology
A Sutcliffe, O De Bruijn, S Thew, I Buchan, P Jarvis, J McNaught, ...
Information Visualization 13 (1), 3-17, 2014
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