Yasmeen Shorish
Yasmeen Shorish
Director of Scholarly Communications/Professor, James Madison University
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Libraries on the frontlines: Neutrality and social justice
AN Gibson, RL Chancellor, NA Cooke, SP Dahlen, SA Lee, YL Shorish
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 36 (8), 751-766, 2017
Struggling to breathe: COVID-19, protest and the LIS response
AN Gibson, RL Chancellor, NA Cooke, SP Dahlen, B Patin, YL Shorish
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 40 (1), 74-82, 2020
Data Information Literacy and Undergraduates: A Critical Competency
Y Shorish
College & Undergraduate Libraries 22 (1), 97-106, 2015
Building professional development opportunities in data services for academic librarians
S Conrad, Y Shorish, AL Whitmire, P Hswe
IFLA Journal 43 (1), 65-80, 2017
Making Data Management Accessible in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum
BA Reisner, KTL Vaughan, YL Shorish
Journal of Chemical Education 91 (11), 1943-1946, 2014
Data Curation Is for Everyone! The Case for Master's and Baccalaureate Institutional Engagement with Data Curation
Y Shorish
Journal of Web Librarianship 6 (4), 263-273, 2012
The Evolution of Library Instruction Delivery in the Chemistry Curriculum Informed by Mixed Assessment Methods
MA Mandernach, Y Shorish, BA Reisner
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 2014
How are we Measuring Up? Evaluating Research Data Services in Academic Libraries
H Coates, J Carlson, R Clement, M Henderson, L Johnston, Y Shorish
Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 6 (1), 2018
The evolution of research data: strategies for curation and data management
C Schubert, Y Shorish, P Frankel, K Giles
Library Hi Tech News 30 (6), 1-6, 2013
Open and Equitable Scholarly Communications: Creating a More Inclusive Future
N Maron, R Kennison, P Bracke, N Hall, I Gilman, K Malenfant, C Roh, ...
Ethics in research use of library patron data: Glossary and explainer
A Asher, K Briney, GJ Gardner, LJ Hinchliffe, B Nowviskie, D Salo, ...
Digital Library Federation. https://doi. org/10.17605/OSF. IO/XFKZ6, 2018
Co-creating Open Infrastructure to Support Epistemic Diversity and Knowledge Equity
Y Shorish, L Chan
Accesible desde: https://blog. scholarled. org/cocreating-open …, 2019
Creating a more inclusive future for scholarly communications: ACRL’s new research agenda for scholarly communications and the research environment
N Maron, R Kennison, N Hall, Y Shorish, K Malenfant
ELectronic PUBlishing, 2019
Leading by Example? ALA Division Publications, Open Access, and Sustainability
N Hall, S Arnold-Garza, R Gong, Y Shorish
College & Research Libraries 77 (5), 654-667, 2016
Research Data Management on a Shoestring Budget
M Henderson, R Raboin, Y Shorish, S Van Tuyl
Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology 40 (6), 14, 2014
Building Data and Information Literacy in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum
Y Shorish, BA Reisner
Integrating Information Literacy into the Chemistry Curriculum, 31-56, 2016
OA in the Open: Community Needs and Perspectives
R Kennison, J Ruttenberg, Y Shorish, L Thompson
LIS Scholarship Archive, 2019
Yasmeen Shorish reflects on ALA President's Program: Are Libraries Neutral?
Y Shorish
Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services, 2018
The Challenges to Data Sharing in the Sciences: Implications for Data Curation
Y Shorish
Term paper, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University …, 2010
The Role of Scholarly Communication in a Democratic Society
Y Shorish
Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 6 (2), 2018
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