Vamadevan S, Ajay
Vamadevan S, Ajay
Goa Institute of Management (GIM), Goa, India
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A cross-sectional study of the microeconomic impact of cardiovascular disease hospitalization in four low-and middle-income countries
MD Huffman, KD Rao, A Pichon-Riviere, D Zhao, S Harikrishnan, ...
PloS one 6 (6), e20821, 2011
Cardiovascular, respiratory, and related disorders: key messages from Disease Control Priorities
D Prabhakaran, S Anand, D Watkins, T Gaziano, Y Wu, JC Mbanya, ...
The Lancet 391 (10126), 1224-1236, 2018
A cluster-randomized, controlled trial of a simplified multifaceted management program for individuals at high cardiovascular risk (SimCard trial) in rural Tibet, China, and …
M Tian, VS Ajay, D Dunzhu, SS Hameed, X Li, Z Liu, C Li, H Chen, ...
Circulation 132 (9), 815-824, 2015
CARRS Surveillance study: design and methods to assess burdens from multiple perspective
M Nair, MK Ali, VS Ajay, R Shivashankar, V Mohan, R Pradeepa, ...
BMC Public Health 12 (1), 701, 2012
Coronary heart disease in Indians: implications of the INTERHEART study
VS Ajay, D Prabhakaran
Indian Journal of Medical Research 132 (5), 561-566, 2010
Capitalizing on the demographic transition: tackling noncommunicable diseases in South Asia
MM Engelgau
World Bank Publications, 2011
Effectiveness of a multicomponent quality improvement strategy to improve achievement of diabetes care goals: a randomized, controlled trial
MK Ali, K Singh, D Kondal, R Devarajan, SA Patel, R Shivashankar, ...
Annals of internal medicine 165 (6), 399-408, 2016
High burden of prediabetes and diabetes in three large cities in South Asia: The Center for cArdio-metabolic Risk Reduction in South Asia (CARRS) Study
M Deepa, M Grace, B Binukumar, R Pradeepa, S Roopa, HM Khan, ...
Diabetes research and clinical practice 110 (2), 172-182, 2015
Multimorbidity in South Asian adults: prevalence, risk factors and mortality
K Singh, SA Patel, S Biswas, R Shivashankar, D Kondal, VS Ajay, ...
Journal of Public Health 41 (1), 80-89, 2019
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in two major Indian cities and projections for associated cardiovascular disease
S Anand, R Shivashankar, MK Ali, D Kondal, B Binukumar, ...
Kidney international 88 (1), 178-185, 2015
Global cardiovascular research output, citations, and collaborations: a time-trend, bibliometric analysis (1999–2008)
MD Huffman, A Baldridge, GS Bloomfield, LD Colantonio, P Prabhakaran, ...
PloS one 8 (12), e83440, 2013
Yoga-based cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction: a randomized trial
D Prabhakaran, AM Chandrasekaran, K Singh, B Mohan, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 75 (13), 1551-1561, 2020
Development of a smartphone‐enabled hypertension and diabetes mellitus management package to facilitate evidence‐based care delivery in primary healthcare facilities in India …
VS Ajay, D Jindal, A Roy, V Venugopal, R Sharma, A Pawar, S Kinra, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 5 (12), e004343, 2016
Prevalence and incidence of hypertension: results from a representative cohort of over 16,000 adults in three cities of South Asia
D Prabhakaran, P Jeemon, S Ghosh, R Shivashankar, VS Ajay, D Kondal, ...
Indian heart journal 69 (4), 434-441, 2017
Prevalence and determinants of diabetes mellitus in the Indian industrial population
VS Ajay, D Prabhakaran, P Jeemon, KR Thankappan, V Mohan, ...
Diabetic medicine 25 (10), 1187-1194, 2008
Socioeconomic status and cardiovascular risk in urban South Asia: The CARRS Study
MK Ali, B Bhaskarapillai, R Shivashankar, D Mohan, ZA Fatmi, ...
European journal of preventive cardiology 23 (4), 408-419, 2016
Effectiveness of an mHealth-based electronic decision support system for integrated management of chronic conditions in primary care: the mWellcare cluster-randomized …
D Prabhakaran, D Jha, D Prieto-Merino, A Roy, K Singh, VS Ajay, ...
Circulation 139 (3), 380-391, 2019
Preventing cardiovascular disease in India–translating evidence to action
S Goenka, D Prabhakaran, VS Ajay, KS Reddy
Current science, 367-377, 2009
Association between poor oral health and diabetes among Indian adult population: potential for integration with NCDs
I Rawal, S Ghosh, SS Hameed, R Shivashankar, VS Ajay, SA Patel, ...
BMC oral health 19, 1-10, 2019
Park availability and major depression in individuals with chronic conditions: Is there an association in urban India?
D Mukherjee, S Safraj, M Tayyab, R Shivashankar, SA Patel, ...
Health & place 47, 54-62, 2017
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