Sinan Aral
Sinan Aral
David Austin Professor of Management, Marketing, IT & Data Science, MIT // Director, MIT IDE
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The spread of true and false news online
S Vosoughi, D Roy, S Aral
Science 359 (6380), 1146-1151, 2018
Computational social science
D Lazer, AS Pentland, L Adamic, S Aral, AL Barabasi, D Brewer, ...
Science 323 (5915), 721, 2009
Distinguishing influence-based contagion from homophily-driven diffusion in dynamic networks
S Aral, L Muchnik, A Sundararajan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (51), 21544-21549, 2009
Identifying influential and susceptible members of social networks
S Aral, D Walker
Science 337 (6092), 337-341, 2012
IT assets, organizational capabilities, and firm performance: How resource allocations and organizational differences explain performance variation
S Aral, P Weill
Organization Science 18 (5), 763-780, 2007
Social media and business transformation: A framework for research
S Aral, C Dellarocas, D Godes
Information Systems Research 24 (1), 3-13, 2013
Creating social contagion through viral product design: A randomized trial of peer influence in networks
S Aral, D Walker
Management Science 57 (9), 1623-1639, 2011
Social influence bias: A randomized experiment
L Muchnik, S Aral, SJ Taylor
Science 341 (6146), 647-651, 2013
The diversity-bandwidth trade-off
S Aral, M Van Alstyne
American Journal of Sociology 117 (1), 90-171, 2011
Information, technology, and information worker productivity
S Aral, E Brynjolfsson, M Van Alstyne
Information Systems Research 23 (3-2), 849-867, 2012
Tie strength, embeddedness & social influence: A large scale networked experiment
S Aral, D Walker
Management Science, 2014
Three-way complementarities: Performance pay, human resource analytics, and information technology
S Aral, E Brynjolfsson, L Wu
Management Science 58 (5), 913-931, 2012
Computational social science: Obstacles and opportunities
DMJ Lazer, A Pentland, DJ Watts, S Aral, S Athey, N Contractor, ...
Science 369 (6507), 1060-1062, 2020
Exercise contagion in a global social network
S Aral, C Nicolaides
Nature Communications 8 (14753), 1, 2017
Identifying social influence: A comment on opinion leadership and social contagion in new product diffusion
S Aral
Marketing Science 30 (2), 217-223, 2011
Which came first, IT or productivity? The virtuous cycle of investment and use in enterprise systems
S Aral, E Brynjolfsson, DJ Wu
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2006
The Hype Machine: How Social Media Disrupts Our Elections, Our Economy, and Our Health--and How We Must Adapt
S Aral
Penguin Random House, 2020
Generating premium returns on your IT investments
P Weill, S Aral
Sloan Management Review, 2008
Mining face-to-face interaction networks using sociometric badges: Predicting productivity in an it configuration task
L Wu, B Waber, S Aral, E Brynjolfsson, A Pentland
Proceedings of the Iternational Conference on Information Systems, 2008
Engineering social contagions: Optimal network seeding in the presence of homophily
S Aral, L Muchnik, A Sundararajan
Network Science 1(2): 125-153., 2013
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