Florian David Brunner
Florian David Brunner
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Robust self-triggered MPC for constrained linear systems: A tube-based approach
FD Brunner, M Heemels, F Allgöwer
Automatica 72, 73-83, 2016
Robust Event-triggered MPC With Guaranteed Asymptotic Bound and Average Sampling Rate
FD Brunner, W Heemels, F Allgöwer
Feedback design for multi-agent systems: A saddle point approach
FD Brunner, HB Dürr, C Ebenbauer
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3783-3789, 2012
Robust self-triggered MPC for constrained linear systems
FD Brunner, W Heemels, F Allgöwer
Control Conference (ECC), 2014 European, 472-477, 2014
Event-triggered and self-triggered control for linear systems based on reachable sets
FD Brunner, W Heemels, F Allgöwer
Automatica 101, 15-26, 2019
Stochastic thresholds in event-triggered control: A consistent policy for quadratic control
FD Brunner, D Antunes, F Allgöwer
Automatica 89, 376-381, 2018
Robust Self-Triggered Model Predictive Control for Constrained Discrete-Time LTI Systems based on Homothetic Tubes
E Aydiner, FD Brunner, W Heemels, F Allgöwer
European Control Conference, 2015
Robust Event-Triggered MPC for Constrained Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Guaranteed Average Sampling Rate
FD Brunner, W Heemels, F Allgöwer
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (23), 117-122, 2015
Enhancing output-feedback MPC with set-valued moving horizon estimation
FD Brunner, MA Müller, F Allgöwer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (9), 2976-2986, 2018
Stabilizing model predictive control: On the enlargement of the terminal set
FD Brunner, M Lazar, F Allgöwer
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 25 (15), 2646-2670, 2015
Model predictive control for nonlinear time-delay systems without terminal constraint
M Reble, FD Brunner, F Allgöwer
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 9254-9259, 2011
A tube-based approach to nonlinear explicit MPC
FA Bayer, FD Brunner, M Lazar, M Wijnand, F Allgöwer
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4059-4064, 2016
Stabilizing linear model predictive control: On the enlargement of the terminal set
FD Brunner, M Lazar, F Allgöwer
Control Conference (ECC), 2013 European, 511-517, 2013
Communication scheduling in robust self-triggered MPC for linear discrete-time systems
FD Brunner, TMP Gommans, W Heemels, F Allgöwer
Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, 2015
Resource-aware set-valued estimation for discrete-time linear systems
FD Brunner, TMP Gommans, W Heemels, F Allgower
Decision and Control (CDC), 2015 IEEE 54th Annual Conference on, 5480-5486, 2015
An explicit solution to constrained stabilization via polytopic tubes
FD Brunner, M Lazar, F Allgöwer
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 7721-7727, 2013
Dynamic thresholds in robust event-triggered control for discrete-time linear systems
FD Brunne, W Heemels, F Allgower
2016 European Control Conference (ECC), 923-988, 2016
Enhancing output feedback MPC for linear discrete-time systems with set-valued moving horizon estimation
FD Brunner, MA Müller, F Allgöwer
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2733-2738, 2016
Numerical evaluation of a robust self-triggered MPC algorithm
FD Brunner, W Heemels, F Allgöwer
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (22), 151-156, 2016
Set-theoretic Approaches to the Aperiodic Control of Linear Systems
FD Brunner
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, 2017
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