Fausto Berzin
Fausto Berzin
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Prevalence study of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder in Brazilian college students
AS Oliveira, EM Dias, RG Contato, F Berzin
Brazilian oral research 20, 3-7, 2006
Analysis on the activation of the VMO and VLL muscles during semisquat exercises with and without hip adduction in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome
KRR Coqueiro, D Bevilaqua-Grossi, F Bérzin, AB Soares, C Candolo, ...
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 15 (6), 596-603, 2005
Impacto da dor na vida de portadores de disfunção temporomandibular
AS Oliveira, CC Bermudez, RA Souza, CMF Souza, EM Dias, CES Castro, ...
Journal of Applied Oral Science 11, 138-143, 2003
Effect of conventional TENS on pain and electromyographic activity of masticatory muscles in TMD patients
D Rodrigues, AO Siriani, F Bérzin
Brazilian oral research 18, 290-295, 2004
Mouth Breathing Syndrome: cervical muscles recruitment during nasal inspiration before and after respiratory and postural exercises on Swiss Ball
ECR Corrêa, F Bérzin
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 72 (9), 1335-1343, 2008
Immediate effects on electromyographic activity and pressure pain thresholds after a cervical manipulation in mechanical neck pain: a randomized controlled trial
VM de Camargo, F Alburquerque-Sendín, F Bérzin, VC Stefanelli, ...
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 34 (4), 211-220, 2011
Preliminary rapport on head posture and muscle activity in subjects with class I and II
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 32 (11), 794-799, 2005
Asymmetric activation of temporalis, masseter, and sternocleidomastoid muscles in temporomandibular disorder patients
L Gerdi Kittel Ries, M Correa Alves, F Bérzin
CRANIO® 26 (1), 59-64, 2008
Analysis of the postural stability in individuals with or without signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder
LGK Ries, F Bérzin
Brazilian oral research 22, 378-383, 2008
Efficacy of physical therapy on cervical muscle activity and on body posture in school-age mouth breathing children
ECR Corrêa, F Bérzin
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 71 (10), 1527-1535, 2007
EMG activity of the orbicularis oris and mentalis muscles in children with malocclusion, incompetent lips and atypical swallowing—part II
DO Tosello, M Vitti, F Berzin
Journal of oral rehabilitation 26 (8), 644-649, 1999
Could acupuncture be useful in the treatment of temporomandibular dysfunction?
CM Grillo, G De la Torre Canales, RS Wada, MC Alves, CMR Barbosa, ...
Journal of acupuncture and meridian studies 8 (4), 192-199, 2015
EMG activity of the orbicularis oris and mentalis muscles in children with malocclusion, incompetent lips and atypical swallowing–part I
DO Tosello, M Vitti, F Berzin
Journal of oral rehabilitation 25 (11), 838-846, 1998
Effect of tibia rotation on the electromyographical activity of the vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis longus muscles during isometric leg press
FV Serrão, CMN Cabral, F Bérzin, C Candolo, V Monteiro-Pedro
Physical Therapy in Sport 6 (1), 15-23, 2005
Influence of myofunctional therapy on the perioral muscles. Clinical and electromyographic evaluations
D Schievano, RMP Rontani, F Berzin
Journal of oral rehabilitation 26 (7), 564-569, 1999
Temporomandibular disorder and dysfunctional breathing
ECR Corrêa, F Bérzin
Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences 3 (10), 498-502, 2004
Análise funcional dos estabilizadores patelares
D Bevilaqua Grossi, VM Pedro, F Bérzin
Acta Ortopédica Brasileira 12, 99-104, 2004
Electromyographic study of the temporal, masseter and suprahyoid muscles in the mandibular rest position
CRS De Faria, F Berzin
Journal of oral rehabilitation 25 (10), 776-780, 1998
Correlation of stress and muscle activity of patients with different degrees of temporomandibular disorder
J de Paiva Tosato, PHF Caria, CAF de Paula Gomes, F Berzin, F Politti, ...
Journal of physical therapy science 27 (4), 1227-1231, 2015
Electromyographic analysis of fatigue in temporalis and masseter muscles during continuous chewing
RV Buzinelli, F Berzin
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28 (12), 1165-1167, 2001
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Artículos 1–20