erwan guillou
erwan guillou
Université Lyon 1, LIRIS (CNRS, UMR 5205), SAARA research team
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Using vanishing points for camera calibration and coarse 3D reconstruction from a single image
E Guillou, D Meneveaux, E Maisel, K Bouatouch
The Visual Computer 16, 396-410, 2000
Ongoing human action recognition with motion capture
M Barnachon, S Bouakaz, B Boufama, E Guillou
Pattern Recognition 47 (1), 238-247, 2014
CIRDO: Smart companion for helping elderly to live at home for longer
S Bouakaz, M Vacher, MEB Chaumon, F Aman, S Bekkadja, F Portet, ...
Irbm 35 (2), 100-108, 2014
Real-time marker-free motion capture from multiple cameras
B Michoud, E Guillou, H Briceno, S Bouakaz
2007 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision, 1-7, 2007
Real-time and markerless 3D human motion capture using multiple views
B Michoud, E Guillou, S Bouakaz
Workshop on Human Motion, 88-103, 2007
A real-time system for motion retrieval and interpretation
M Barnachon, S Bouakaz, B Boufama, E Guillou
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (15), 1789-1798, 2013
Human actions recognition from streamed motion capture
M Barnachon, S Bouakaz, B Boufama, E Guillou
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on pattern recognition …, 2012
Shape From Silhouette: Towards a Solution for Partial Visibility Problem.
B Michoud, E Guillou, S Bouakaz
Eurographics (Short Presentations), 13-16, 2006
The CIRDO corpus: comprehensive audio/video database of domestic falls of elderly people
M Vacher, S Bouakaz, ME Bobillier-Chaumon, F Aman, RA Khan, ...
10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC …, 2016
Largest silhouette-equivalent volume for 3d shapes modeling without ghost object
B Michoud, S Bouakaz, E Guillou, H Briceño
Workshop on Multi-camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and …, 2008
Simulation d'environnements complexes non lambertiens à partir d'images: Application à la réalité augmentée
E Guillou
Rennes 1, 2000
Real-time and marker-free 3D motion capture for home entertainment oriented applications
B Michoud, E Guillou, H Briceno, S Bouakaz
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 678-687, 2007
Human model and pose Reconstruction from Multi-views
B Michoud, E Guillou, S Bouakaz
International Conference on Machine Intelligence, ACIDCA-ICMI, 788-795, 2005
Handling dynamic changes in hierarchical radiosity through interaction meshes
S Carre, JM Deniel, E Guillou, K Bouatouch
Proceedings the Eighth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and …, 2000
Interprétation de mouvements temps réel
M Barnachon, S Bouakaz, B Boufama, E Guillou
RFIA 2012 (Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle), 978-2 …, 2012
Real-time and markerless full-body human motion capture
B Michoud, E Guillou, S Bouakaz
Groupe de Travail Animation et Simulation, GTAS 7, 2007
Intelligent Interactions Based on Motion
M Barnachon, M Ceccaroli, A Cordier, E Guillou, M Lefevre
Workshop CBR and Games, ICCBR 2011, 1-10, 2011
Towards removing ghost-components from visual-hull estimations
B Michoud, E Guillou, S Bouakaz, M Barnachon, A Meyer
2009 Fifth International Conference on Image and Graphics, 428-434, 2009
Reconstruction géométrique par estimation de posture
M Barnachon, B Michoud, E Guillou, S Bouakaz
ORASIS'09-Congrès des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur, 2009
Silhouettes fusion for 3d shapes modeling with ghost object removal
B Michoud, E Guillou, HM Briceno, S Bouakaz
Technical Report RR-LIRIS-2008-015, LIRIS UMR 5205 CNRS/INSA de Lyon …, 2008
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