Ilda Vagge
Ilda Vagge
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Allocating CSR plant functional types: the use of leaf economics and size traits to classify woody and herbaceous vascular plants
S Pierce, G Brusa, I Vagge, BEL Cerabolini
Functional Ecology 27 (4), 1002-1010, 2013
Plant communities of Italy: the vegetation prodrome
E Biondi, C Blasi, M Allegrezza, I Anzellotti, MM Azzella, E Carli, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2014
La Vegetazione d'Italia e la Carta delle Serie di vegetazione
C Blasi, L Rosati
La vegetazione d'Italia, 9-15, 2010
Red Listing plants under full national responsibility: Extinction risk and threats in the vascular flora endemic to Italy
S Orsenigo, C Montagnani, G Fenu, D Gargano, L Peruzzi, T Abeli, ...
Biological Conservation 224, 213-222, 2018
New and validated syntaxa for the checklist of Italian vegetation
E Biondi, M Allegrezza, S Casavecchia, D Galdenzi, R Gasparri, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2014
La vegetazione delle coste sabbiose del Tirreno settentrionale italiano
I Vagge, E Biondi
Fitosociologia 36 (2), 61-95, 1999
La vegetazione del Parco fluviale regionale del Taro (Emilia-Romagna)
E Biondi, I Vagge, M Baldoni, F Taffetani
Fitosociologia 34, 69-110, 1997
The intimacy between sexual traits and Grime’s CSR strategies for orchids coexisting in semi-natural calcareous grassland at the Olive Lawn
S Pierce, I Vagge, G Brusa, BEL Cerabolini
Plant Ecology 215, 495-505, 2014
La vegetazione del Parco fluviale Regionale dello Stirone (Emilia-Romagna).
E Biondi, I Vagge, M Baldoni, F Taffetani
Fitosociologia 36, 67-93, 1999
New syntaxonomic contribution to the Vegetation Prodrome of Italy
E Biondi, M Allegrezza, S Casavecchia, D Galdenzi, R Gasparri, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2015
Restoring population structure and dynamics in translocated species: learning from wild populations
T Abeli, P Cauzzi, G Rossi, M Adorni, I Vagge, G Parolo, S Orsenigo
Plant ecology 217, 183-192, 2016
Guidelines for the design of a healing garden for the rehabilitation of psychiatric patients
C Erbino, A Toccolini, I Vagge, PS Ferrario
Journal of Agricultural Engineering 46 (2), 43-51, 2015
Biodiversità fitocenotica e paesaggistica dei fiumi dell’Italia centro-settentrionale: aspetti fitosociologici e sinfitosociologici
E Biondi, I Vagge, M Baldoni, F Taffetani
Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Biol 80 (2003), 13-21, 2004
Volatile fingerprint of Italian populations of orchids using solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry
A Manzo, S Panseri, I Vagge, A Giorgi
Molecules 19 (6), 7913-7936, 2014
The vegetal landscape of the Republic of San Marino
E Biondi, I Vagge
Fitosociologia 41 (1), 53-78, 2004
The vegetation of the Trifolio medii-Geranietea sanguinei Müller 1962 class in the central part of the Apennines (Italy and San Marino)
E Biondi, A Carni, I Vagge, F Taffetani, S Ballelli
Fitosociologia 38 (1), 55-65, 2001
Lineamenti vegetazionali e paesaggi vegetali dell’Appennino centrale e settentrionale
E Biondi, M Allegrezza, S Casavecchia, S Pesaresi, I Vagge
Biogeographia–The Journal of Integrative Biogeography 27 (1), 2006
Seed heteromorphy influences seed longevity in Aegilops
F Guzzon, S Orsenigo, M Gianella, JV Müller, I Vagge, G Rossi, ...
Seed Science Research 28 (4), 277-285, 2018
Comparative germination responses to water potential across different populations of A egilops geniculata and cultivar varieties of T riticum durum and T riticum aestivum
S Orsenigo, F Guzzon, T Abeli, G Rossi, I Vagge, A Balestrazzi, ...
Plant Biology 19 (2), 165-171, 2017
Le garighe a Genista desoleana Valsecchi ed Euphorbia spinosa L. subsp. ligustica (Fiori) Pign. della Liguria orientale (Italia NW)
I Vagge
Fitosociologia 32, 239-243, 1997
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Artículos 1–20