Fei-Hai Yu (于飞海)
Fei-Hai Yu (于飞海)
Taizhou University/ Previous: Beijing Forestry Uni.; Institute of Botany, CAS; WSL
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United we stand, divided we fall: a meta-analysis of experiments on clonal integration and its relationship to invasiveness
YB Song, FH Yu, LH Keser, W Dawson, M Fischer, M Dong, ...
Oecologia 171 (2), 317-327, 2013
Clonal integration helps Psammochloa villosa survive sand burial in an inland dune
F Yu, M Dong, B Krüsi
New Phytologist 162 (3), 697-704, 2004
Invasive alien plants benefit more from clonal integration in heterogeneous environments than natives
YJ Wang, H Müller‐Schärer, M van Kleunen, AM Cai, P Zhang, R Yan, ...
New Phytologist 216 (4), 1072-1078, 2017
Clonal integration affects growth, photosynthetic efficiency and biomass allocation, but not the competitive ability, of the alien invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides under …
N Wang, FH Yu, PX Li, WM He, FH Liu, JM Liu, M Dong
Annals of botany 101 (5), 671-678, 2008
Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale
E Valencia, F De Bello, T Galland, PB Adler, J Lepš, A E-Vojtkó, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (39), 24345-24351, 2020
Clonal integration enhances survival and performance of Potentilla anserina, suffering from partial sand burial on Ordos plateau, China
F Yu, Y Chen, M Dong
Evolutionary Ecology 15 (4-6), 303-318, 2001
A trade-off between guerrilla and phalanx growth forms in Leymus secalinus under different nutrient supplies
XH Ye, FH Yu, M Dong
Annals of Botany 98 (1), 187-191, 2006
Clonal integration supports the expansion from terrestrial to aquatic environments of the amphibious stoloniferous herb Alternanthera philoxeroides
N Wang, FH Yu, PX Li, WM He, J Liu, GL Yu, YB Song, M Dong
Plant Biology 11 (3), 483-489, 2009
Adaptation of rhizome connections in drylands: increasing tolerance of clones to wind erosion
FH Yu, N Wang, WM He, Y Chu, M Dong
Annals of Botany 102 (4), 571-577, 2008
Physiological integration in an introduced, invasive plant increases its spread into experimental communities and modifies their structure
FH Yu, N Wang, P Alpert, WM He, M Dong
American Journal of Botany 96 (11), 1983-1989, 2009
Invasive clonal plant species have a greater root-foraging plasticity than non-invasive ones
LH Keser, W Dawson, YB Song, FH Yu, M Fischer, M Dong, ...
Oecologia 174 (3), 1055-1064, 2014
How internode length, position and presence of leaves affect survival and growth of Alternanthera philoxeroides after fragmentation?
BC Dong, GL Yu, W Guo, MX Zhang, M Dong, FH Yu
Evolutionary Ecology 24 (6), 1447-1461, 2010
Clonal Plant Ecology
M Dong, FH Yu, et al.
Beijing: Science Press, 2011
Clonal integration in homogeneous environments increases performance of Alternanthera philoxeroides
BC Dong, P Alpert, Q Zhang, FH Yu
Oecologia 179 (2), 393-403, 2015
Handbook of standardized protocols for collecting plant modularity traits
J Klimešová, J Martínková, JG Pausas, MG de Moraes, T Herben, FH Yu, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40, 125485, 2019
Reduced compensatory effects explain the nitrogen‐mediated reduction in stability of an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau
MH Song, FH Yu
New Phytologist 207 (1), 70-77, 2015
Plant traits and ecosystem effects of clonality: a new research agenda
JHC Cornelissen, YB Song, FH Yu, M Dong
Annals of botany 114 (2), 369-376, 2014
Effects of soil nutrient heterogeneity on intraspecific competition in the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
J Zhou, BC Dong, P Alpert, HL Li, MX Zhang, GC Lei, FH Yu
Annals of botany 109 (4), 813-818, 2012
Effects of fragmentation on the survival and growth of the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
BC Dong, P Alpert, W Guo, FH Yu
Biological Invasions 14 (6), 1101-1110, 2012
Reciprocal and coincident patchiness of multiple resources differentially affect benefits of clonal integration in two perennial plants
WM He, P Alpert, FH Yu, LL Zhang, M Dong
Journal of Ecology 99 (5), 1202-1210, 2011
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