Marc Raphael, Biophysicist
Marc Raphael, Biophysicist
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Presence of antisite disorder and its characterization in the predicted half-metal
MP Raphael, B Ravel, Q Huang, MA Willard, SF Cheng, BN Das, ...
Physical Review B 66 (10), 104429, 2002
Magnetic, structural, and transport properties of thin film and single crystal
MP Raphael, B Ravel, MA Willard, SF Cheng, BN Das, RM Stroud, ...
Applied Physics Letters 79 (26), 4396-4398, 2001
EXAFS and neutron diffraction study of the Heusler alloy
B Ravel, MP Raphael, VG Harris, Q Huang
Physical Review B 65 (18), 184431, 2002
Nanoplasmonic pillars engineered for single exosome detection
D Raghu, JA Christodoulides, M Christophersen, JL Liu, GP Anderson, ...
PloS one 13 (8), e0202773, 2018
“Dip-Pen” nanolithography in registry with photolithography for biosensor development
DJ Pena, MP Raphael, JM Byers
Langmuir 19 (21), 9028-9032, 2003
Growth and magnetic properties of single crystal Co/sub 2/MnX (X= Si, Ge) Heusler alloys
SF Cheng, B Nadgomy, K Bussmann, EE Carpenter, BN Das, G Trotter, ...
IEEE transactions on magnetics 37 (4), 2176-2178, 2001
Quantitative imaging of protein secretions from single cells in real time
MP Raphael, JA Christodoulides, JB Delehanty, JP Long, JM Byers
Biophysical journal 105 (3), 602-608, 2013
A new methodology for quantitative LSPR biosensing and imaging
MP Raphael, JA Christodoulides, SP Mulvaney, MM Miller, JP Long, ...
Analytical Chemistry 84 (3), 1367-1373, 2012
Quantitative LSPR imaging for biosensing with single nanostructure resolution
MP Raphael, JA Christodoulides, JB Delehanty, JP Long, PE Pehrsson, ...
Biophysical journal 104 (1), 30-36, 2013
Magnetism and structure of films processed via spin-spray deposition
M Taheri, EE Carpenter, V Cestone, MM Miller, MP Raphael, ME McHenry, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 91 (10), 7595-7597, 2002
A controlled trial for reproducibility
MP Raphael, PE Sheehan, GJ Vora
Nature 579 (7798), 190-192, 2020
Magnetic moment degradation of nanowires in biological media: real-time monitoring with SQUID magnetometry
MP Raphael, JA Christodoulides, SN Qadri, BS Simpkins, JM Byers
Nanotechnology 21 (28), 285101, 2010
Mechanisms of cell damage due to mechanical impact: An in vitro investigation
W Kang, MC Robitaille, M Merrill, K Teferra, C Kim, MP Raphael
Scientific reports 10 (1), 12009, 2020
Acceleration-induced pressure gradients and cavitation in soft biomaterials
W Kang, M Raphael
Scientific reports 8 (1), 15840, 2018
Pressure Dependence of the Irreversibility Line in : Role of Anisotropy in Flux-Line Formation
MP Raphael, ME Reeves, EF Skelton, C Kendziora
Physical Review Letters 84 (7), 1587, 2000
Nonlinear response of type II superconductors: A new method of measuring the pressure dependence of the transition temperature
MP Raphael, ME Reeves, EF Skelton
Review of scientific instruments 69 (3), 1451-1455, 1998
Optimizing nanoplasmonic biosensor sensitivity with orientated single domain antibodies
MP Raphael, JA Christodoulides, JM Byers, GP Anderson, JL Liu, ...
Plasmonics 10, 1649-1655, 2015
Robust optical flow algorithm for general single cell segmentation
MC Robitaille, JM Byers, JA Christodoulides, MP Raphael
Plos one 17 (1), e0261763, 2022
Problem of diminished cRGD surface activity and what can be done about it
MC Robitaille, JA Christodoulides, J Liu, W Kang, JM Byers, MP Raphael
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (17), 19337-19344, 2020
Iminobiotin binding induces large fluorescent enhancements in avidin and streptavidin fluorescent conjugates and exhibits diverging pH-dependent binding affinities
MP Raphael, CA Rappole, LK Kurihara, JA Christodoulides, SN Qadri, ...
Journal of fluorescence 21, 647-652, 2011
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