Zhen Zhang
Zhen Zhang
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Joint probabilistic data association revisited
SH Rezatofighi, A Milan, Z Zhang, Q Shi, A Dick, I Reid
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 3047-3055, 2015
Convolutional sequence to sequence model for human dynamics
C Li, Z Zhang, WS Lee, GH Lee
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Learning deep gradient descent optimization for image deconvolution
D Gong, Z Zhang, Q Shi, A van den Hengel, C Shen, Y Zhang
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (12), 5468-5482, 2020
Deep Graphical Feature Learning for the Feature Matching Problem
Z Zhang, WS Lee
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2019
Pairwise Matching through Max-Weight Bipartite Belief Propagation
Z Zhang, Q Shi, J McAuley, W Wei, Y Zhang, A Van Den Hengel
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016
Learning graph structure for multi-label image classification via clique generation
M Tan, Q Shi, A van den Hengel, C Shen, J Gao, F Hu, Z Zhang
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
Factor graph neural networks
Z Zhang, F Wu, WS Lee
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 8577-8587, 2020
Real-time correlation filter tracking by efficient dense belief propagation with structure preserving
R Yao, S Xia, Z Zhang, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 19 (4), 772-784, 2016
Joint Probabilistic Matching Using m-Best Solutions
SH Rezatofighi, A Milan, Z Zhang, Q Shi, A Dick, I Reid
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016
NTIRE 2022 challenge on high dynamic range imaging: Methods and results
E Pérez-Pellitero, S Catley-Chandar, R Shaw, A Leonardis, R Timofte, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
A bidirectional graph neural network for traveling salesman problems on arbitrary symmetric graphs
Y Hu, Z Zhang, Y Yao, X Huyan, X Zhou, WS Lee
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 97, 104061, 2021
Truncated matrix power iteration for differentiable dag learning
Z Zhang, I Ng, D Gong, Y Liu, E Abbasnejad, M Gong, K Zhang, JQ Shi
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 18390-18402, 2022
Rapid non-destructive method to phenotype stomatal traits
P Pathoumthong, Z Zhang, SJ Roy, A El Habti
Plant Methods 19 (1), 36, 2023
Identifying weight-variant latent causal models
Y Liu, Z Zhang, D Gong, M Gong, B Huang, A Hengel, K Zhang, JQ Shi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.14153, 2022
A lightweight network for high dynamic range imaging
Q Yan, S Zhang, W Chen, Y Liu, Z Zhang, Y Zhang, JQ Shi, D Gong
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
SharpFormer: Learning local feature preserving global representations for image deblurring
Q Yan, D Gong, P Wang, Z Zhang, Y Zhang, JQ Shi
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 32, 2857-2866, 2023
Variable kernel density estimation based robust regression and its applications
Z Zhang, Y Zhang
Neurocomputing 134, 30-37, 2014
Memory-augmented dynamic neural relational inference
D Gong, FZ Zhang, JQ Shi, A Van Den Hengel
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
An adaptive markov random field for structured compressive sensing
S Suwanwimolkul, L Zhang, D Gong, Z Zhang, C Chen, DC Ranasinghe, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28 (3), 1556-1570, 2018
Visual relationship detection with low rank non-negative tensor decomposition
MH Dupty, Z Zhang, WS Lee
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (07), 10737 …, 2020
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