Alessandro Bozzon
Alessandro Bozzon
Professor Human-Centered AI, Delft University of Technology
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Recurrent knowledge graph embedding for effective recommendation
Z Sun, J Yang, J Zhang, A Bozzon, LK Huang, C Xu
RECSYS 2018. Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems …, 2018
Choosing the right crowd: expert finding in social networks
A Bozzon, M Brambilla, S Ceri, M Silvestri, G Vesci
EDBT 2013. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Extending …, 2013
Conceptual modeling and code generation for rich internet applications
A Bozzon, S Comai, P Fraternali, GT Carughi
ICWE 2006. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Web …, 2006
Web Information Retrieval
S Ceri, A Bozzon, M Brambilla, E Della Valle, P Fraternali, S Quarteroni
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Answering search queries with crowdsearcher
A Bozzon, M Brambilla, S Ceri
WWW 2012. Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web …, 2012
Clarity is a Worthwhile Quality: On the Role of Task Clarity in Microtask Crowdsourcing
U Gadiraju, J Yang, A Bozzon
🏆 HT 2017. 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 2017
Work and play: An experiment in enterprise gamification
LC Stanculescu, A Bozzon, RJ Sips, GJ Houben
CSCW 2016. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported …, 2016
Approaches for dialog management in conversational agents
JG Harms, P Kucherbaev, A Bozzon, GJ Houben
IEEE Internet Computing 23 (2), 13-22, 2018
A Platform for Urban Analytics and Semantic Data Integration in City Planning
A Psyllidis, A Bozzon, S Bocconi, CT Bolivar
CAAD Futures 2015. Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures. The Next …, 2015
Liquid query: multi-domain exploratory search on the web
A Bozzon, M Brambilla, S Ceri, P Fraternali
WWW 2010. Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web …, 2010
Human-aided bots
P Kucherbaev, A Bozzon, GJ Houben
IEEE Internet Computing 22 (6), 36-43, 2018
Sparrows and owls: Characterisation of expert behaviour in stackoverflow
J Yang, K Tao, A Bozzon, GJ Houben
UMAP 2014. Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on User Modeling …, 2014
Engineering rich internet applications with a model-driven approach
P Fraternali, S Comai, A Bozzon, GT Carughi
TWEB. ACM Transactions on the Web 4 (2), 7, 2010
Reactive crowdsourcing
A Bozzon, M Brambilla, S Ceri, A Mauri
WWW 2013. Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web …, 2013
Interacting Attention-gated Recurrent Networks for Recommendation
W Pei, J Yang, Z Sun, J Zhang, A Bozzon, DMJ Tax
CIKM 2017. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and …, 2017
Improving Worker Engagement Through Conversational Microtask Crowdsourcing
S Qiu, U Gadiraju, A Bozzon
CHI 2020. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in …, 2020
Modeling Task Complexity in Crowdsourcing
J Yang, J Redi, G DeMartini, A Bozzon
HCOMP 2016. Proceedings of The Fourth AAAI Conference on Human Computation …, 2016
Asking the Right Question in Collaborative Q&A Systems
J Yang, C Hauff, A Bozzon, GJ Houben
HT 2014. Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social …, 2014
Efficient execution of top-k SPARQL queries
S Magliacane, A Bozzon, E Della Valle
ISWC 2012. The 11th International Semantic Web Conference, 344-360, 2012
This Is Not What We Ordered: Exploring Why Biased Search Result Rankings Affect User Attitudes on Debated Topics
T Draws, N Tintarev, U Gadiraju, A Bozzon, B Timmermans
SIGIR 2021. Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on …, 2021
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