Chris Wagstaff
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The accordian and the deep bowl of spaghetti: Eight researchers' experiences of using IPA as a methodology
C Wagstaff, H Jeong, M Nolan, T Wilson, J Tweedlie, E Phillips, H Senu, ...
The qualitative report, 2014
Specific design features of an interpretative phenomenological analysis study
R Wagstaff, C. & Williams
Nurse Researcher 21 (3), pp. 8-12., 2014
The State of Qualitative Research in Health and Social Science Literature: A Focused Mapping Review and Synthesis,
J Bradbury-Jones, C., Brekenridge, J., Clark, M.T., Herber, O., Wagstaff, C ...
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 2017
Nursing students' experiences of violence and aggression: A mixed-methods study  
T Hallett, N., Wagstaff, C. & Barlow
Nurse Education Today, 2021
Is social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic a risk factor for depression?
AAM Moura, IR Bassoli, BV Silveira, A Diehl, MA Santos, RA Santos, ...
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem 75 (Suppl 1), e20210594, 2022
Brazilian nurses' concept of religion, religiosity, and spirituality: A qualitative descriptive study
VF Cunha, SC Pillon, S Zafar, C Wagstaff, F Scorsolini‐Comin
Nursing & Health Sciences 22 (4), 1161-1168, 2020
Experiences of mental health services for ‘black’men with schizophrenia and a history of disengagement: A qualitative study
C Wagstaff, H Graham, D Farrell, M Larkin, M Nettle
International journal of mental health nursing 27 (1), 158-167, 2018
Toward a new way of relating: An evaluation of recovery training delivered jointly to service users and staff
J Salkeld, R., Wagstaff, C. & Tew
Journal of Mental Health 22 (2), 2013
‘Walk with your head high’: African and African-Caribbean fatherhood, children's mental well-being and social capital
R Williams, A Hewison, C Wagstaff, D Randall
Ethnicity & health 17 (1-2), 89-103, 2012
The emotional and psychiatric problems of adolescents on parole whose parents are substance users: A Brazilian cross-sectional study
C 25. Perruci, L.G., Diehl, A., da Silveira, B.V., Teixeira, J.A., Souza, J ...
Journal of Child Health Care 25 (2), 253-267, 2021
Towards understanding the self-perception of people with a psychotic illness who use illicit substances and have a history of disengagement from mental health services …
C Wagstaff
The international journal of psychiatric nursing research 12 (3), 1503-1520, 2007
Factors associated with violence against women by an intimate partner amongst women in northeast Brazil
LAA Lima, CFS Monteiro, BMVT Nunes, FJG Silva Junior, MA Fernandes, ...
Archives of psychiatric nursing, 2021
Prevalence, consequences and factors associated with drug use among individuals over 50 years of age in the family perspective
SC de Barros, G. M., Ana Lucia de Moraes Horta, A.L., Diehl , A., da Rocha ...
Aging & Mental Health, 2020
Perspectives of cannabis use in the life experience of men with schizophrenia
L Wagstaff, C., Graham, H., Farrell, D., Larkin, M & Tatham
International journal of mental health nursing, 2017
Seria o isolamento social durante a pandemia de COVID-19 um fator de risco para depressão?
AAM Moura, IR Bassoli, BV Silveira, A Diehl, MA Santos, RA Santos, ...
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem 75, e20210594, 2022
Rape, Child Sexual Abuse and Mental Health in a Brazilian National Sample
SC Diehl, A., de Souza, R.M., Madruga, C.S., Laranjeira, R., Wagstaff, C ...
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2020
População em situação de rua: maior vulnerabilidade e invisibilidade durante a pandemia de COVID-19
MO Reinaldo, M.A.S., Pillon, S.C., Wagstaff, C., Silveira B.V., Gomes, N.M.R ...
Enfermagem em saúde mental e COVID-19., p. 45-50., 2020
Qualitative experiences of disengagement in assertive outreach teams, in particular for “black” men: Clinicians’ perspectives
C Wagstaff, H Graham, R Salkeld
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 25 (2), 88-95, 2018
Disengagement of clients from mental health services
C Wagstaff, D Farrell, R Williams
Mental Health Practice 14 (8), 2011
Prognosticating Covid Therapeutic Responses
H Kaur, K Lillie, C Wagstaff
Frontiers in Public Health, 884, 2022
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