Sarah Dalrymple
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Guidelines for reintroductions and other conservation translocations
SSC Iucn
Gland Switz Camb UK IUCNSSC Re-Introd Spec Group, 57, 2013
Human well-being impacts of terrestrial protected areas.
AS Pullin, M Bangpan, S Dalrymple, K Dickson, NR Haddaway, ...
Environmental Evidence 2 (19), 2013
Human well-being impacts of terrestrial protected areas.
AS Pullin, M Bangpan, S Dalrymple, K Dickson, N Haddaway, JR Healey
Environmental Evidence 2 (19), 2013
A meta-analysis of threatened plant reintroductions from across the globe
SE Dalrymple, E Banks, GB Stewart, AS Pullin
Plant reintroduction in a changing climate: promises and perils, 31-50, 2012
Global re-introduction perspectives: re-introduction case-studies from around the globe
PS Soorae
IUCN/SSC re-introduction specialist group, 2008
Ex situ collections and their potential for the restoration of extinct plants
T Abeli, S Dalrymple, S Godefroid, A Mondoni, JV Müller, G Rossi, ...
Conservation Biology 34 (2), 303-313, 2020
Evaluating effects of land management on greenhouse gas fluxes and carbon balances in boreo-temperate lowland peatland systems
NR Haddaway, A Burden, CD Evans, JR Healey, DL Jones, SE Dalrymple, ...
Environmental Evidence 3, 1-30, 2014
Towards an understanding of factors controlling seed bank composition and longevity in the alpine environment
GK Jaganathan, SE Dalrymple, B Liu
The Botanical Review 81, 70-103, 2015
Climate suitability as a predictor of conservation translocation failure
J Bellis, D Bourke, J Maschinski, K Heineman, S Dalrymple
Conservation Biology 34 (6), 1473-1481, 2020
Identifying factors associated with the success and failure of terrestrial insect translocations
J Bellis, D Bourke, C Williams, S Dalrymple
Biological Conservation 236, 29-36, 2019
Biological Flora of the British Isles: Melampyrum sylvaticum L.
SE Dalrymple
Journal of Ecology 95 (3), 583-597, 2007
Training future generations to deliver evidence‐based conservation and ecosystem management
H Downey, T Amano, M Cadotte, CN Cook, SJ Cooke, NR Haddaway, ...
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2 (1), e12032, 2021
Extinct in the wild: The precarious state of Earth’s most threatened group of species
D Smith, T Abeli, EB Bruns, SE Dalrymple, J Foster, TC Gilbert, CJ Hogg, ...
Science 379 (6634), eadd2889, 2023
Are re-introductions an effective way of mitigating against plant extinctions? CEE review 07-008 (SR32)
Collaboration for Environmental Evidence, 2011
Using macroecological species distribution models to estimate changes in the suitability of sites for threatened species reintroduction
J Bellis, M Longden, J Styles, S Dalrymple
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2 (1), e12050, 2021
IUCN Guidelines for Reintroductions and Other Conservation Translocations. Prepared by IUCN/SSC Reintroduction and Invasive Species Specialist Groups.
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, 2012
Ex situ seed banks and the IUCN Red List
SE Dalrymple, T Abeli
NATURE PLANTS 5 (2), 122-123, 2019
Seed survival at low temperatures: a potential selecting factor influencing community level changes in high altitudes under climate change
GK Jaganathan, SE Dalrymple, HW Pritchard
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 39 (6), 479-492, 2020
The importance of donor population identity and habitat type when creating new populations of small Melampyrum sylvaticum from seed in Perthshire, Scotland
SE Dalrymple, A Broome
Conservation Evidence 7, 1-8, 2010
Integrating a biogeographical approach into assisted colonization activities is urgently needed
T Abeli, SE Dalrymple, A Mondoni, S Orsenigo, G Rossi
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2014
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Artículos 1–20