David A. Kirsch
David A. Kirsch
Associate Professor, University of Maryland
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The financial impact of ISO 9000 certification in the United States: An empirical analysis
CJ Corbett, MJ Montes-Sancho, DA Kirsch
Management Science, 1046-1059, 2005
Revisiting Burns and Stalker: Formal structure and new venture performance in emerging economic sectors
WD Sine, H Mitsuhashi, DA Kirsch
The Academy of Management Journal ARCHIVE 49 (1), 121-132, 2006
International diffusion of ISO 14000 certification
CJ Corbett, DA Kirsch
Production and Operations Management 10 (3), 327-342, 2001
Form or substance: The role of business plans in venture capital decision making
D Kirsch, B Goldfarb, A Gera
Strategic Management Journal 30 (5), 487-515, 2009
Electric Car and the Burden of History
D Kirsch
Rutgers University Press, 2000
The study of emerging industries: Recognizing and responding to some central problems
DP Forbes, DA Kirsch
Journal of Business Venturing 26 (5), 589-602, 2011
Context, time, and change: Historical approaches to entrepreneurship research
RD Wadhwani, D Kirsch, F Welter, WB Gartner, GG Jones
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 14 (1), 3-19, 2020
Does ISO 9000 certification pay
CJ Corbett, MJ Montes, DA Kirsch, MJ Alvarez-Gil
ISO Management Systems 2 (4), 31-40, 2002
Was there too little entry during the Dot Com Era?
B Goldfarb, D Kirsch, DA Miller
Journal of Financial Economics 86 (1), 100-144, 2007
History of the Electric Automobile: Battery-Only Powered Cars
EH Wakefield, DA Kirsch
Technology and Culture 36 (3), 710-711, 1995
The origins of firm strategy: Learning by economic experimentation and strategic pivots in the early automobile industry
SD Pillai, B Goldfarb, DA Kirsch
Strategic Management Journal 41 (3), 369-399, 2020
Avocado research email collection
D Oard, W Webber, D Kirsch, S Golitsynskiy
Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2015
ISO 14000: an agnostic’s report from the front line
CJ Corbett, DA Kirsch
ISO 9000+ ISO 14000 News 9 (2), 4-17, 2000
Are angels different? An analysis of early venture financing
B Goldfarb, G Hoberg, D Kirsch, AJ Triantis
An Analysis of Early Venture Financing (November 4, 2013). Robert H. Smith …, 2013
Bubbles and crashes: The boom and bust of technological innovation
B Goldfarb, DA Kirsch
Stanford University Press, 2019
Technologies in tension: horses, electric trucks, and the motorization of american cities, 1900-1925
G Mom, DA Kirsch
Technology and Culture 42 (3), 489-518, 2001
Response to “Revisiting ISO 14000 diffusion: a new” look “at the drivers of certification”
CJ Corbett, DA Kirsch
Production and Operations Management 13 (3), 268-271, 2004
Historicism and industry emergence: Industry knowledge from pre-emergence to stylized fact
D Kirsch, M Moeen, RD Wadhwani
Organizations in time: History, theory, methods 217, 2014
The electric car and the burden of history: Studies in automotive systems rivalry in America, 1890-1996
DA Kirsch
Business and Economic History, 304-310, 1997
Does angel participation matter? An analysis of early venture financing
B Goldfarb, G Hoberg, D Kirsch, A Triantis
Unpublished working paper, 231-248, 2009
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