Model-based localization and tracking using Bluetooth low-energy beacons FS Daniş, AT Cemgil Sensors 17 (11), 2484, 2017 | 115 | 2017 |
Data collection with" UYANIK": too much pain; but gains are coming H Abut, H Erdoğan, A Erçil, AB Çürüklü, HC Koman, F Tas, AÖ Argunşah, ... Sabancı University, 2007 | 30 | 2007 |
Adaptive sequential Monte Carlo filter for indoor positioning and tracking with bluetooth low energy beacons FS Daníş, AT Cemgil, C Ersoy IEEE Access 9, 37022-37038, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
Real-world data collection with “UYANIK” H Abut, H Erdoğan, A Erçil, B Çürüklü, HC Koman, F Taş, AÖ Argunşah, ... In-Vehicle Corpus and Signal Processing for Driver Behavior, 23-43, 2009 | 21 | 2009 |
An indoor localization dataset and data collection framework with high precision position annotation FS Daniş, AT Naskali, AT Cemgil, C Ersoy Pervasive and Mobile Computing 81, 101554, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Framework for development of driver adaptive warning and assistance systems that will be triggered by a driver inattention monitor B Aytekin, E Dincmen, B Aksun Guvenc, E Altug, L Guvenc, S Danis, ... International journal of vehicle design 52 (1-4), 20-37, 2010 | 12 | 2010 |
Robot detection with a cascade of boosted classifiers based on haar-like features FS Daniş, T Meriçli, C Meriçli, HL Akın RoboCup 2010: Robot Soccer World Cup XIV 14, 409-417, 2011 | 10 | 2011 |
Live rssi filtering for indoor positioning with bluetooth low-energy FS Daniş 2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor …, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Job Recommendation Based on Extracted Skill Embeddings A Kara, FS Daniş, GK Orman, SN Turhan, ÖA Özlü Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference, 497-507, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Test-bed formation for human driver model development and decision making T Acarman, U Ozguner, L Guvencc, Y Liu, S Danis 2007 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 934-939, 2007 | 5 | 2007 |
Salary prediction via sectoral features in Turkey ŞDİ Özer, B Ülke, FS Daniş, GK Orman 2022 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and …, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Probabilistic indoor tracking of Bluetooth Low-Energy beacons FS Daniş, C Ersoy, AT Cemgil Performance Evaluation 162, 102374, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Similarity-Based Résumé Matching via Triplet Loss with BERT Models ÖA Özlü, GK Orman, FS Daniş, SN Turhan, KC Kara, TA Yücel Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference, 520-532, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Determining Column Numbers in Résumés with Clustering ŞR Keskin, Y Balı, GK Orman, FS Daniş, SN Turhan IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and …, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Using Saliency-based Visual Attention Methods for Achieving Illumination Invariance in Robot Soccer FS Daniş, T Meriçli, HL Akın RoboCup Symposium 2012, 2012 | 2 | 2012 |
Development of a multi-sensored autonomous ground vehicle FS Daniş Thesis (MS)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science …, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |
Practical and parameterized fingerprinting through maximal filtering for indoor positioning FS Daniş IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Tracking a Mobile Beacon: A Purely Probabilistic Approach FS Daniş, C Ersoy, AT Cemgil 2022 30th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of …, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Extracting Relations Between Sectors A Kara, FS Daniş, GK Orman, SN Turhan IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Big Data Computing, 77-82, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Radio map estimation with neural networks and active learning for indoor localization S Güler Thesis (MS)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science …, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |