Yousra Hamrouni
Yousra Hamrouni
Associate Professor in Data Science
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From local to global: A transfer learning-based approach for mapping poplar plantations at national scale using Sentinel-2
Y Hamrouni, E Paillassa, V Chéret, C Monteil, D Sheeren
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 171, 76-100, 2021
Sentinel-2 poplar index for operational mapping of poplar plantations over large areas
Y Hamrouni, E Paillassa, V Chéret, C Monteil, D Sheeren
Remote Sensing 14 (16), 3975, 2022
Synergistic use of sentinel-1 and sentinel-2 time series for poplar plantations monitoring at large scale
Y Hamrouni, É Paillassa, V Cheret, C Monteil, D Sheeren
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2020
Sub-Monthly Assessment of Temperate Forest Clear-Cuts in Mainland France
S Mermoz, JD Prieto, M Planells, D Morin, T Koleck, F Mouret, A Bouvet, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024
From local to global: A transfer learning-based approach for mapping poplar plantations at large scale
Y Hamrouni, É Paillassa, V Chéret, C Monteil, D Sheeren
2020 Mediterranean and Middle-East Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2020
Identification and monitoring of poplar plantations by hyper-temporal remote sensing.
Y Hamrouni
Faisabilité du diagnostic de l’état sanitaire des peuplements par télédétection, le châtaignier en Dordogne
V Chéret, M Goulard, Y Hamrouni, M Chartier
Forêt entreprise, 46-50, 2019
Commission internationale du Peuplier Rapport de la France-2024
E Badel, C Bastien, A Berthelot, G Chazallon, L Cotten, O de Lagausie, ...
Ministere de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté Alimentaire; Conseil …, 2024
Développement d'une approche opérationnelle pour l'identification automatique des peupleraies à large échelle par télédétection hypertemporelle.: De l'adaptation de domaine à …
Y Hamrouni
Cartographie à large échelle des peupleraies à partir de séries temporelles d’images Sentinel-2
Y Hamrouni, É Paillassa, V Chéret, C Monteil, D Sheeren
Conférence internationale francophone Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics (SAGEO …, 2019
Feasibility of diagnosing the health status of stands by remote sensing, chestnuts in the Dordogne.
V Chéret, M Goulard, Y Hamrouni, M Chartier
Active learning for large-scale classification of poplar plantations with sentinels time series
Y Hamrouni, D Sheeren, E Paillassa, VV Cheret, C Monteil
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019, 2019
Identification et suivi des peupleraies par télédétection hypertemporelle
Y Hamrouri
Forêt entreprise, 31-36, 2019
Faisabilité du diagnostic de l’état sanitaire des peuplements par télédétection
V Cheret, M Goulard, Y Hamrouni, M Chartier
Forêt entreprise, 40-40, 2019
Poplar plantations monitoring with Sentinels products: combination of optical and radar remote sensing data
D Sheeren, E Paillassa, V Cheret, C Monteil
THEIA Workshop for Sentinel-2 L2A MAJA products, np, 2018
Health status diagnosis of chestnut forest stands using Sentinel-2 images.
V Chéret, Y Hamrouni, M Goulard, JP Denux, H Poilvé, M Chartier
Workshop for Sentinel-2 L2A MAJA products, 2018
Poplar plantations monitoring with Sentinels products: combination of optical and radar remote sensing data
Y Hamrouni, D Sheeren, E Paillassa, V Cheret, C Monteil
THEIA Workshop for Sentinel-2 L2A MAJA products, 2018
Contribution of High Resolution TerraSAR-X images to the classification of managed forest stands through texture analysis
PL Frison, Y Hamrouni, C Cazals, C Mallet, JP Rudant, M Zribi, L Villard, ...
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, 2016
Monitoring natural habitats using multi-sources remote-sensing data in answer to conservation planning
S Alleaume, V Thiérion, D Marechal, M Roux, S Laventure, Y Hamrouni, ...
Ecosummit 2016, 16, 2016
Surveillance des habitats naturels Multi-sources de données de télédétection en réponse à la planification de la conservation
S Alleaume, V Thierion, D Marechal, M Roux, S Laventure, Y Hamrouni, ...
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