Jorge Calera Rubio
Jorge Calera Rubio
Professor of Computer Science, University of Alicante, Spain
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36th international symposium on intensive care and emergency medicine: Brussels, Belgium. 15-18 March 2016
RM Bateman, MD Sharpe, JE Jagger, CG Ellis, J Solé-Violán, ...
Critical care 20, 13-182, 2016
Documentos para la historia de la imprenta y librería en Barcelona, 1474-1553
JMM i Marimon
Gremios de editores, de libreros y de maestros impresores, 1955
Stochastic inference of regular tree languages
RC Carrasco, J Oncina, J Calera-Rubio
Machine Learning 44, 185-197, 2001
Stopping power of low-velocity ions in solids: inhomogeneous electron gas model
J Calera-Rubio, A Gras-Marti, NR Arista
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1994
Probabilistic k-Testable Tree Languages
JR Rico-Juan, J Calera-Rubio, RC Carrasco
Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and Applications: 5th International …, 2000
Style recognition through statistical event models
C Pérez-Sancho, JM Inesta, J Calera-Rubio
Journal of New Music Research 34 (4), 331-339, 2005
Computing the relative entropy between regular tree languages
J Calera-Rubio, RC Carrasco
Information Processing Letters 68 (6), 283-289, 1998
Stochastic k-testable Tree Languages and Applications
JR Rico-Juan, J Calera-Rubio, RC Carrasco
International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, 199-212, 2002
Online symbolic-sequence prediction with discrete-time recurrent neural networks
JA Pérez-Ortiz, J Calera-Rubio, ML Forcada
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 719-724, 2001
Melodic identification using probabilistic tree automata
JF Bernabeu, J Calera-Rubio, JM Iñesta, D Rizo
Journal of New Music Research 40 (2), 93-103, 2011
Parsing with probabilistic strictly locally testable tree languages
JL Verdú-Mas, RC Carrasco, J Calera-Rubio
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 27 (7), 1040-1050, 2005
Smoothing and compression with stochastic k-testable tree languages
JR Rico-Juan, J Calera-Rubio, RC Carrasco
Pattern Recognition 38 (9), 1420-1430, 2005
Online text prediction with recurrent neural networks
JA Pérez-Ortiz, J Calera-Rubio, ML Forcada
Neural processing letters 14, 127-140, 2001
Estrategia mediterránea de desarrollo sostenible
J Baldasano, F García, R Martín, J Rubio
Generalitat Valenciana, 2006
Tree k-Grammar Models for Natural Language Modelling and Parsing
JL Verdú-Mas, ML Forcada, RC Carrasco, J Calera-Rubio
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR …, 2002
Geomorfología y Cuaternario de la sierras de la Nava y Béjar (Sistema Central Español)
JC Rubio
Tesis Doctoral (Inédita), Facultad de Geología, UCM, 1990
Cultura de la época fernandina
J Rubio
Institución" Fernando el Católico"(CSIC) de la Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza, 1952
A text categorization approach for music style recognition
C Pérez-Sancho, JM Iñesta, J Calera-Rubio
Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 649-657, 2005
A comparison between recurrent neural architectures for real-time nonlinear prediction of speech signals
JA Pérez-Ortiz, J Calera-Rubio, ML Forcada
Neural networks for signal processing XI: Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE …, 2001
A probabilistic approach to melodic similarity
JF Bernabeu, J Calera-Rubio, JM Iñesta, D Rizo
Proceedings of MML, 48-53, 2009
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