Giuseppina Porciello
Giuseppina Porciello
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome
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Conspiracy mentality and political orientation across 26 countries
R Imhoff, F Zimmer, O Klein, JHC António, M Babinska, A Bangerter, ...
Nature human behaviour 6 (3), 392-403, 2022
The ‘Enfacement’illusion: A window on the plasticity of the self
G Porciello, I Bufalari, I Minio-Paluello, E Di Pace, SM Aglioti
Cortex 104, 261-275, 2018
Investigating the links between cultural values and belief in conspiracy theories: The key roles of collectivism and masculinity
J Adam‐Troian, P Wagner‐Egger, M Motyl, T Arciszewski, R Imhoff, ...
Political Psychology 42 (4), 597-618, 2021
An interoceptive illusion of effort induced by false heart-rate feedback
P Iodice, G Porciello, I Bufalari, L Barca, G Pezzulo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (28), 13897-13902, 2019
The “embreathment” illusion highlights the role of breathing in corporeal awareness
A Monti, G Porciello, G Tieri, SM Aglioti
Journal of Neurophysiology 123 (1), 420-427, 2020
Characterizing body image distortion and bodily self-plasticity in anorexia nervosa via visuo-tactile stimulation in virtual reality
L Provenzano, G Porciello, S Ciccarone, B Lenggenhager, G Tieri, ...
Journal of clinical medicine 9 (1), 98, 2019
Face individual identity recognition: a potential endophenotype in autism
I Minio-Paluello, G Porciello, A Pascual-Leone, S Baron-Cohen
Molecular Autism 11, 1-16, 2020
Enfacing others but only if they are nice to you
I Bufalari, B Lenggenhager, G Porciello, B Serra Holmes, SM Aglioti
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 8, 102, 2014
The inside of me: interoceptive constraints on the concept of self in neuroscience and clinical psychology
A Monti, G Porciello, MS Panasiti, SM Aglioti
Psychological research 86 (8), 2468-2477, 2022
Interpersonal Multisensory Stimulation reduces the overwhelming distracting power of self-gaze: psychophysical evidence for ‘engazement’
G Porciello, BS Holmes, MT Liuzza, F Crostella, SM Aglioti, I Bufalari
Scientific Reports 4 (1), 6669, 2014
Fortunes and misfortunes of political leaders reflected in the eyes of their electors
G Porciello, MT Liuzza, I Minio-Paluello, GV Caprara, SM Aglioti
Experimental brain research 234, 733-740, 2016
Body image dissatisfaction and interoceptive sensibility significantly predict postpartum depressive symptoms
CS Solorzano, G Porciello, C Violani, C Grano
Journal of Affective Disorders 311, 239-246, 2022
Violation of expectations about movement and goal achievement leads to Sense of Agency reduction
R Villa, E Tidoni, G Porciello, SM Aglioti
Experimental brain research 236, 2123-2135, 2018
Self-identification with another person's face: the time relevant role of multimodal brain areas in the enfacement illusion
I Bufalari, G Porciello, M Sperduti, I Minio-Paluello
Journal of Neurophysiology 113 (7), 1959-1962, 2015
Freedom to act enhances the sense of agency, while movement and goal-related prediction errors reduce it
R Villa, E Tidoni, G Porciello, SM Aglioti
Psychological research 85 (3), 987-1004, 2021
Blood pressure-related hypoalgesia: A systematic review and meta-analysis
E Makovac, G Porciello, D Palomba, B Basile, C Ottaviani
Journal of Hypertension 38 (8), 1420-1435, 2020
The enfacement illusion boosts facial mimicry
I Minio-Paluello, G Porciello, M Gandolfo, S Boukarras, SM Aglioti
Cortex 123, 113-123, 2020
Gut markers of bodily self-consciousness in men
A Monti, G Porciello, MS Panasiti, SM Aglioti
Iscience 25 (10), 2022
The bright and the dark sides of motor simulation
MS Panasiti, G Porciello, SM Aglioti
Neuropsychologia 105, 92-100, 2017
rTMS-induced virtual lesion of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) alters the control of reflexive shifts of social attention triggered by pointing hands
G Porciello, F Crostella, MT Liuzza, E Valentini, SM Aglioti
Neuropsychologia 59, 148-156, 2014
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20